csound~ v1.1.0

MAXMSP용 Csound~가 업데이트 되었습니다.

csound~ v1.1.0 is now available at:


csound~ is now compiled using the Max5 SDK, which means there is no Max4
Also, I’ve dropped support for ppc mac.  As always, feedback and bug reports
are welcome.

Here is the changelog:


(** = backwards compatibility issue)
(*  = deprecation issue)

– Rewritten using C++, STL, and Boost for added robustness and lower
maintenance effort.

– Better cooperation with Max threading architecture (potential hangs
eliminated, now
 using spinlocks).

– Uses Max5 attributes (there’s a csound~ tab in the inspector window).

– Can specify Max objects in the orchestra. Format is “<~> … </~>” where
 is a Max script for creating an object.

– Messages printed to the Max window can now be traced back to a specific
 instance by double-clicking on a line in the Max window.

– Warnings are colored light orange in the Max window instead of red.

– Can save sequences as JSON or XML files (in addition to binary format).

– If @matchsr attribute is 1, csound~ will auto recompile Csound with
 overrides whenever host sample-rate does not equal Csound sample-rate.
ksmps will
 be preserved.

– Fixed deadlock issues when using outlet data to trigger other csound~

– Fixed memory deallocation bug when running debug build of csound~.

– If csound~ is in bypass mode, sending “start” or “bang” to compile the
 will not be followed by an automatic run of 1 k-cycle performance.

– If csound~ is in bypass mode, MIDI bytes are not queued.

– Non-editable attribute @nolatency tells you when csound~ is processing
 without latency.

** No longer Max4 compatible.

** rsidx output message format has changed to: “rsidx table# index value”.

* @start is deprecated. Please use @autostart instead.

* @scale and “noscale” is deprecated. Audio is automatically scaled when
 levels don’t match.

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