Call for Participation: Int. Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics, 2010]

  2nd Int. Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics
  May 6-7, Paris, France, 2010
  ambi10 – First Call for Participation

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce the 2nd International Symposium on
Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics, which will be organized by IRCAM,
together with LIMSI-CNRS and France Telecom/Orange Labs. The Symposium
will be held to provide an intensive exchange between industrial and
academic researchers working in various research areas on spherical

The field of spatial sound reproduction is interdisciplinary by nature
and closely related to a number of computer science and engineering
areas such as acoustics, mathematics, signal processing, and
perception. The symposium focuses on discussing the various problems
and solutions concerning the capture, analysis, and re-synthesis of
sound fields applying spherical acoustics; for example higher-order
Ambisonics (HOA), and spherical microphone arrays.

The symposium is going to be divided into oral presentations (keynotes
and submissions), poster sessions, and two demonstration sessions
(artistic and technical). This symposium will benefit from a hemi-
spherical loudspeaker array that will be installed for the duration of
the symposium, which will be held in the Espace de projection, the
variable acoustics performance hall of Ircam.

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the
following topics:

 * General considerations on spherical acoustics theory
 * Ambisonic for sound scene reproduction and virtual acoustic
 * Spherical microphone array systems and signal processing
 * Capture and analysis of radiation patterns
 * Spherical acoustic holography
 * Synthesis of directional and focused sound sources
 * Spherical loudspeaker array systems and signal processing
 * Theoretical considerations on comparative subjective and
objective studies
 * Standardization, exchange, implementation and hardware issues


Submissions will be judged based on extended abstracts (1000 words).
Procedures to submit papers, posters, and demo sessions are detailed
at the symposium website Final papers
must be camera-ready conforming to the format specified on the
submission website.

Several excellent papers will be selected for collective submission to
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. These papers will be expanded
versions of the presented works, and will go through the standard peer
review process.

The official language of the symposium is English.

Important dates

* Extended abstract (1000 words) submission due: January 8th, 2010
* Papers, Notification of acceptance due: February 19th, 2010
* Camera-ready copy (full paper): March 12, 2010
* Registration opens: March 22, 2010
* Late Registration: April 12, 2010
* Submission of Audio Material for Testing: April 19, 2010
* Symposium Dates: May 6-7, 2010

Symposium Chairs

General Co-Chairs
  Markus Noisternig (IRCAM – UMR CNRS)
  Brian FG Katz (LIMSI – CNRS)
  Rozenn Nicol (France Telecom – Orange Labs)

Technical Program Co-Chairs
  Nicolas Misdariis (IRCAM – UMR CNRS)
  Olivier Warusfel (IRCAM)

Administration Chair
  Sylvie Benoit (IRCAM)

2009 Hanyang University Max/MSP/Jitter Workshops

Every year the New Media Music computer music
studios at Hanyang University hold a one-week computer music workshop
at the end of June.

This year our Max/MSP/Jitter workshops are divided into a Day Workshop
for beginning and intermediate Max/MSP/Jitter users, and an Evening
Workshop for intermediate to advanced users focusing on video, image
and OpenGL processing with Jitter. We are fortunate to have two invited
guests from Cycling ’74, Inc., Gregory Taylor and Wesley Smith, who
will provide insightful information based on their long-time
involvement with the software.

The idea of offering two different workshops in the same week will
allow beginners to have a starting point for learning the software, as
well as offering more advanced users (who may have daytime jobs) the
option of attending the evening seminar sessions.

The Workshops will be based around the latest release of the software –
Max 5 – and will cover some new techniques and features of the program.

The workshops will be in English with some translation into Korean when necessary.

June 22 – 26, 2009
Day Workshop: 11:00 am – 4:00pm
Evening Workshop 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Hanyang University Music School Building 2, 1st Floor Computer Music Studio
17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, 133-791 Seoul, South Korea

Special Guest Lecturers from Cycling ’74: Gregory Taylor and Wesley Smith
(They will be assisted by Hanyang computer music faculty: Jongwoo Yim and Richard Dudas)

Price and Availability:
Day Workshop: 26,000 KRW (22,000 KRW if you bring your own laptop; 18,000 for students)
Evening Workshop: 20,000 KRW (16,000 KRW if you bring your own laptop; 12,000 for students)
We have limited space – 20 people per workshop, 12 of whom could use the studio’s computers

Sponsors and Organizers:
Organized by the Hanyang Electro-Acoustic Music Institute.
Guest Lecturers sponsored by Cycling ’74, Inc.

Registration and Information:

Additional workshop information (in English!) can be found at:

To register online, you can visit: (in Korean!!)

For questions and additional information you can call us at:
Tel. +82 (0)2 2220-1709
For English language information via e-mail, contact dudas [at] cycling74 [dot] com

Beginner and Advanced Max/MSP/Jitter Workshops in Berlin next Week

Beginner and Advanced Max/MSP/Jitter Workshops with Pure

Beginner Workshop 4 Days/ Monday June 8th – Thursday June 11th 2009, 12.00-18.00 daily

Advanced Workshop 5 Days/ Monday June 15th – Friday June 19th, 12.00-18.00 daily

Participants who complete the Beginner Workshop can proceed to the Advanced Workshop.

Location: NK / Elsen Str. 52 (2. Hof) 2. Etage
12059 Berlin, DE
Telephone: +49 (0)176 20626386

Course Participation fee: 165 euros Beginners Workshop, 200 euros Advanced Workshop, Participation in both Workshops 350.

Registration is required for this workshop and can only be done via email to: enka_nkATgmxDOTde,

* Own Computer (Mac OS X/Win XP) IMPORTANT: with an authorised Max, or a running Demo.
* Basic knowledge in computer based music creation
* Headphones
* If possible bring your own MIDI Controller or MIDI Keyboard

Please register early to ensure a place. Places are limited to 12.

Programming with Max/MSP/Jitter – Beginner workshop 4 Days

Max/MSP/Jitter is a programming language with a graphical interface to
connect sound synthesis, sampling, MIDI, video and Open GL 3-D
graphics, sensor electronics, network-communication and more. Based on
a concept similar to modular synthesizers Max/MSP/Jitter is relatively
easy to learn, suitable for small applications (i.e. converting mouse
movements into midi messages) and complex combinations of various
electronic media (i.e. the computation of a realtime score based on the
pulses of the participating musicians. see
The workshop gives an introduction to the concept of Max/MSP/Jitter and shows how to work with sound and visuals:

* Introduction to the concept and user interface of Max
* How to control Max patches with MIDI controllers
* How to control external instruments from Max via MIDI
* How to build a sequencer in Max
* Recording of external sound sources
* How to play and control sounds
* How to build instruments (sampler, synthesizer)
* Possibilities of sound editing: filters, effects, analysis,
* How to use VST Plug-ins (effects and instruments)
* Playing, mixing, recording movies
* Jitter matrices
* Drawing in Jitter
* Color tracking
* 3-D Open GL with Jitter
* How to interconnect sound and visuals

Programming with Max/MSP/Jitter – Advanced workshop 5 Days

For this workshop you should have a general knowledge about how Max works, some experience with patching and problem solving.
Anyone interested in developing a specific project is encouraged to do so.

* Discussing project plans of workshop participants
* Dealing with all topics of the beginners workshop on a more advanced level
* Randomness for artists
* Sequencing in Max
* Advanced interface building (bpatcher, poly~, presentation mode,…)
* Abstractions
* Sound analysis
* Lighting control via dmx
* List processing
* Advanced saving with pattrstorage
* Fun with math
* Max programming tricks
* 3rd party object libraries
* Network communication
* Alternative input devices

Teacher: Pure has been using Max/MSP/Jitter since the last ten years as
his main tool for music creation. As well as being an experienced Max
instructor who has taught in several Universities and Media Labs all
over Europe since 2001, he is has also released many albums with such
labels Mego, Cronica and Staalplaat.. More info about him can be found

The workshop will be held in English and German.