studios at Hanyang University hold a one-week computer music workshop
at the end of June.
This year our Max/MSP/Jitter workshops are divided into a Day Workshop
for beginning and intermediate Max/MSP/Jitter users, and an Evening
Workshop for intermediate to advanced users focusing on video, image
and OpenGL processing with Jitter. We are fortunate to have two invited
guests from Cycling ’74, Inc., Gregory Taylor and Wesley Smith, who
will provide insightful information based on their long-time
involvement with the software.
The idea of offering two different workshops in the same week will
allow beginners to have a starting point for learning the software, as
well as offering more advanced users (who may have daytime jobs) the
option of attending the evening seminar sessions.
The Workshops will be based around the latest release of the software –
Max 5 – and will cover some new techniques and features of the program.
The workshops will be in English with some translation into Korean when necessary.
June 22 – 26, 2009
Day Workshop: 11:00 am – 4:00pm
Evening Workshop 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Hanyang University Music School Building 2, 1st Floor Computer Music Studio
17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, 133-791 Seoul, South Korea
Special Guest Lecturers from Cycling ’74: Gregory Taylor and Wesley Smith
(They will be assisted by Hanyang computer music faculty: Jongwoo Yim and Richard Dudas)
Price and Availability:
Day Workshop: 26,000 KRW (22,000 KRW if you bring your own laptop; 18,000 for students)
Evening Workshop: 20,000 KRW (16,000 KRW if you bring your own laptop; 12,000 for students)
We have limited space – 20 people per workshop, 12 of whom could use the studio’s computers
Sponsors and Organizers:
Organized by the Hanyang Electro-Acoustic Music Institute.
Guest Lecturers sponsored by Cycling ’74, Inc.
Registration and Information:
Additional workshop information (in English!) can be found at:
To register online, you can visit: (in Korean!!)
For questions and additional information you can call us at:
Tel. +82 (0)2 2220-1709
For English language information via e-mail, contact dudas [at] cycling74 [dot] com