New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, 4/2-4/4


Composers, performers, and media artists from around the globe come together for three days of experimental sound art and multimedia at the first New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, April 2-4 at the CUNY Graduate Center, Galapagos Arts Space, The Tank, and Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center.

NYCEMF will showcase over 120 new works, installations, and papers during the festival, representing the fascinating and wide range of artistic mischief that can occur when musicians play with machines.

For more information, please go to

NYCEMF is supported in part by Harvestworks and the CUNY New Media Lab. Our special thanks go to Steve Brier, Joshua Brown, and Andrea Vasquez of the CUNY New Media Lab, and to David Olan of the Graduate Center Music Department

Here’s the schedule of events from the website (things may shift a bit)

April 2, 2009

Concert 1: 10:15 AM11:15 AM, Elebash Recital Hall

Yury Spitsyn, Welcome to the Machine!
Marie Incontrera, Sappho’s Last Stand
Joo Won Park, SoundMobile
Akira Takaoka, Delayed Reflections 2
Beth Wiemann, Crows everywhere are equally black
Jeff Carey, Structural Unit II

Installation: 10:30 AM6:15 PM, Elebash Lobby

Elaine Thomazi Freitas, Alexander Wendt, and Luke Hastilow, interactive wall ball interface

Installation: 10:30 AM4:00 PM, C197

Rob van Rijswijk and Jeroen Strijbos, SoundSpots

Curated Concert 1: 11:45 AM12:45 PM, C198

Music from London Metropolitan University

Concert 2: 1:00 PM2:00 PM, Elebash: Mari Kimura, violin

Steve Everett, Rendezvous IV for violin and live electronics
Steve Antosca, One becomes Two
Tolga Yayalar, Perdirome II
Alice Shields, Kyrielle
Mari Kimura, Phantom

Concert 3: 2:30 PM3:30 PM, C198

Ed Martin, Time Passed
jose halac, BLOWN
Jacob Gotlib, Sensed Presence
Jake Rundall, silica
Matthew Dotson, Left Unsaid
Jason H. Mitchell, Gravitational Altitude Correction

Concert 4: 4:00 PM5:30 PM, Elebash

Philip Schuessler, Void Chapel
Geof Holbrook, Wooden Stars
Jorge Sosa, Refraction I
Courtney Brown, losing love in magnetic time
Ilya Mayzus, On Waking and Going
Alexis Bacon, Cowboy Song
Robert Fleisher, Loretto Alfresco
Steve Wanna, (in)difference/s

Concert 5: 7:45 PM9:45 PM, Elebash

Paul Koonce, Clockwork
Benjamin Broening, Trembling Air
Adam Scott Neal, Petrichor
Elizabeth Hoffman, Langanaich
Butch Rovan, Correspondences
Judith Shatin, Cherry Blossom and a Wrapped Thing
Allison Ogden, Attabi
Larry Austin, Singing!-Improv
Ragnar Grippe, Napoli Down

After Hours Concert: 10:30 PM1:00 AM, Galapagos Art Space

R. Luke DuBois / Lesley Flanigan, Bioluminescence
Jane Rigler, In Touch, for solo flute & electronics
Cathy van Eck, Hearing Sirens
Van Heumen, Carey & Van Koolwijk, SKIF++
Ranjit Bhatnagar, Storyteller
Sean Peuquet, Quarter Space
Braxton Sherouse, _impulse->response(&space);
Zachary Seldess, tinge, disperse
Paul Riker, Collateral 1: Magic

April 3rd

Installation: 10:30 AM7:30 PM, Elebash Lobby

Reid Bingham and Colin Challender, Alchemy

Installation: 10:30 AM7:30 PM, C197

Davà ð Brynjar Franzson, S-Be2

Concert 6: 10:30 AM11:45 AM, Elebash

Daniel Swilley, Absolute Zero
Richard Garet, IP – Iota Expansion, Variation #1
Eric Nathan, Cantus
Valerio De Bonis, Un cadeau pour…
Kirsten Volness, Ultraviolet
Nathan Bowen, Gotham Swift
Ronald Keith Parks, Anacoustic Zones
David Claman, Mandeville Pentacle

Concert 7: 12:00 PM1:15 PM, C198

Christopher Ariza, demiurgic ecstasy whispering in streets of ear
Yvonne Freckmann, Remember From Womb You Came
Fred Szymanski, Eskers
Thomas Royal, Soft Stings of a Cold Dead Image
Géraud Bec, Buzzz
Neil Flory, Wild Bloom
Vladimir Djambazov, The Secret Life of a Snare Drum

Curated Concert 2: 2:00 PM3:00 PM, C198

“Je me souviens… Time seen thru Montreal’s new music”, Point d’écoute

Concert 8: 3:15 PM5:00 PM, Elebash

Asha Srinivasan, Bapu
David Z. Durant, Hazeur’s Curve
Christian Banasik, Glass Cutter
Lawrence Fritts, Mappaemundi
Juraj Kojs, In Secret
Marcelo Ohara, Prato Unico
Michael Pounds, Collection
MOON YOUNG HA, Amorphisms
Paul Coleman, Gathering
Thomas Dempster, contact clusters

Concert 9: 7:45 PM9:45 PM, Elebash

Mara Helmuth, Alan Bern, The Man and the Moon
James Dashow, MATHEMATICS III from ARCHIMEDES a planetarium opera
Robert Dow, Steel Blue
Hubert Howe, Timbre Study No. 7
James Paul Sain, subjacent queue
Jeff Stadelman, Song of Itself
Adrian Moore, 3 Pieces: Horn
Doug Van Nort, Mimetic Orchestra #1: NEMO, for Triple Point

April 4th

Concert 10: 10:45 AM12:00 PM, Elebash

Chikashi Miyama, Piano Chimera
Kyong Mee Choi, Tranquility
Christopher Bailey, Mergurs ehd ffleweh bq nsolst
John Mallia, Anastasis
Irene Buckley and Mike Hannon., Evolution of close double stars
Takeyoshi Mori, Over the Blue
Robert Honstein, Fantasy Triptych

Installation: 11:30 AM7:30 PM, Elebash Lobby

Sam Salem, i spy

Concert 11: 12:15 PM1:45 PM, Segal

Momilani Ramstrum, Gloved Water
Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, A duet (virtually)
Mark Zanter, s2
Jay C. Batzner, Carnival Daring-Do
Marc Ainger, Shatter
Konstantinos Karathanasis, De Ligno Chalybeque

Concert 12: 2:30 PM4:00 PM, Elebash

Vera Ivanova, Escape
Arthur Gottschalk, Contrary Variants
Jason Bolte, Scrap Metal
Peter Van Zandt Lane, Aeromancer
Jean Ahn, Berkeley Arirang
David A. Jaffe, Impossible Animals
Joshua Clausen, she quietly enters and leaves the fray
Mark Zaki, On Reflection

Curated Concert 3: 4:15 PM5:15 PM, Segal

“Walk This Way…”, University of Huddersfield, Music Department

Concert 13: 6:45 PM9:00 PM, Elebash

Tom Lopez, Immaculata Erotica
Monique Buzzarté, Subtle Winds
Miguel Chuaqui, Mareas
Javier Alejandro Garavaglia, farb-laut E – VIOLET
Pete Stollery, scÚnes, rendez-vous
Anne LeBaron, The Left Side of Time
Doug Geers, Sweep
Hans Tutschku, Zellen-Linien



The call for entries for the third edition of the Filmer la Musique festival is now open.

Filmer la Musique is a music film festival in Paris, with a strong focus on independant and innovative productions.

The festival will take place at the Point Ephemere – an independant art center and music venue – and the brand new parissian art center, the 104, from june 9 to 14, 2009.

Documentaries, fictions, raw rushes, phone films, indie videos, live footage …. With it’s three different screening spaces – the XXO screening room, the MIRROR BALL CINEMA in the exhibition space, and the NOISE BOX – the festival is open to every kind of images.
There are no restrictions regarding shooting format, length, or year of production.

Deadline for the call for entries is march 15, 2009.

info, rules and submission form on

2009’s website is still under construction, but the submission section is online.
This year, we are are experimenting a new online form. It should work well, but please get in touch if you have difficulties filling or sending the form.

Pictures and trailer on
You can join the Filmer la Musique facebook group for regular updates.

They were screened at Filmer la Musique: William Klein, James Schneider, Marie Losier, Henri-Jean Debon, Vincent Moon, Shanti Masud, David Markey, Peter Sempel, AJ Schnack, Jem Cohen … and many more.

Stay tuned, and see you in Paris in june !


Festival Filmer la Musique
12, rue d’Oran
75018 Paris
+33 (0)1 42 58 08 98


SF Tape Music Festival 09 & Diffusion Workshops & Radio

The San Francisco Tape Music Festival 2009
January 30, 31 & February 1
CELLspace 2050 bryant st san francisco

$12 [$7 underemployed] each night
$24 for festival pass
Advanced tickets — <> 
Web site — <> 
E-mail — <> 

The 2009 San Francisco Tape Music Festival, curated by sfSound’s SF Tape Music Collective, will take place this January 30th, 31st, and February 1st at CELLspace. The three night Festival of audio art will feature classic as well as recent and new fixed media compositions by 30 local and international composers. The expansive venue is uniquely suited to shaping the sound which will be diffused live over a pristine surround system consisting of 20+ speakers. Seated in the dark, it’s a unique opportunity to experience music forming, literally, around you. This year marks both 50- and 60-year anniversaries, being 50 years since many now-classic “tape music” pieces had their world premieres, and being 60 years since Pierre Schaeffer presented “Concert de Bruits,” the first concert of musique concrète. So over the three nights of the Festival, works from these periods by Luciano Berio, György Ligeti, Pierre Schaeffer, Edgard Varèse, Iannis Xenakis, as well as more recent pieces by Paul Lansky, Paul McCartney, and others will be presented. And in honor of Olivier Messiaen’s 100th birth year his sole tape piece “Timbres-Durées” (1952) will be presented. As in past annual SF Tape Music Festivals, this year will also feature new works by several local composers, including Ashley Bellouin, Kyle Bruckmann, George Cremaschi, Janis Mercer, Maggi Payne, Moe! Staiano, Jon Leidecker/Wobbly, Aaron Ximm, and premieres by SFTMC’s own Thom Blum, Cliff Caruthers, Matt Ingalls, and Kent Jolly. The annual SF Tape Music Festival — it’s cinema for your ears!


:: Friday, January 30, 2009 8pm ::
Pierre Schaeffer – Étude Aux Sons Animés (1958)
György Ligeti – Artikulation (1958)
Vladimir Ussachevsky – Linear Contrasts (1958)
Paul Lansky – Six Fantasies On A Poem By Thomas Campion (1978)
Ashley Bellouin – Black Hole (SF Bay Area)
Thom Blum – [new commission] (SF Bay Area)
Kyle Bruckmann & Olivia Block – Untitled (SF Bay Area / Chicago)
Dugal McKinnon – Catalogue with Analogues (New Zealand)
Janis Mercer – Amsterdam (SF Bay Area)
Aaron Ximm (aka Quiet American) – [new work] (SF Bay Area)

:: Saturday, January 31, 2009 8pm ::
The Fireman (aka Paul McCartney and Youth) – Untitled (2008)
Luciano Berio – Thema (Omaggio a Joyce) (1958)
John R. Pierce – Stochatta (1959)
Geraud Bec – buzzz (France)
Cliff Caruthers – [new commission] (SF Bay Area)
George Cremaschi – Winter Light (for Ingmar Bergman) (SF Bay Area)
Kent Jolly – [new commission] (SF Bay Area)
Jon Leidecker/Wobbly – Chart Tempo & World Retrograde (SF Bay Area)
Zhiye Li – Dimanche Détendu (China/New Orleans)
Felipe Otondo – Ciguri (Chile / UK)
Maggi Payne – Arctic Winds (SF Bay Area)
Goran Vejvoda – Pre-fader: Highly reverberant states (France)

:: Sunday, February 1, 2009 8pm ::
Edgard Varèse – Poème Électronique (1958)
Iannis Xenakis – Concret PH (1958)
Olivier Messiaen – Timbres-Durées (1952)
Matt Ingalls -[new commission] (SF Bay Area)
Jon Nelson – objet sonore/objet cinétique (Texas)
Moe! Staiano – Tape Piece No.2: Extraordinary Path of Being (SF Bay Area)
Lisa Whistlecroft – Walking with Ghosts (UK)

* may be subject to change

Presented by the San Francisco Tape Music Collective and sfSound. Funded in part by Meet The Composer and Grants for the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund.

We have a number of upcoming events this week related to the San Francisco Tape Music Festival:

Monday, Jan 26, ~6:45p-8p
Pirate Cat Radio, 87.9fm San Francisco
live stream:

Thom Blum and Matt Ingalls interview

Friday, Jan 30, 3p-4p
KUSF, 90.3fm San Francisco
live stream:

Guest DJ: SF Tape Music Collective presents a festival preview radio concert.

Saturday, Jan. 31
Weekend America Public Radio
not on any bay area terrestrial station, but can be heard on many internet or satellite stations:

Produced segment: interview with Thom Blum

KFJC, 89.7fm Los Altos Hills
no specific broadcasts, per-se,
but we are grateful to have this year’s festival co-presented by KFJC!


you can listen to many pieces from past festivals now on sfSoundRadio
— after the festival, tune in to hear highlights from the 2009 fest!

The festival will be hosting two free lunchtime workshops open to the public.

Wednesday, January 28, Noon-1p
Thursday, January 29, Noon-1p
CELLspace (2050 bryant st, SF)

A demonstration and introduction to the basics of sound diffusion. Participants will also be given the opportunity to try out their skills on the festival’s sound system. We will have some example pieces on hand, but participants are free to bring their own music. email<> for more information.