Call for participation to a perceptual experiment on prosody and speaking style

Call for participation to a perceptual experiment on prosody and speaking style

This study is a preliminary part of a work-in-progress on prosody & speaking style research. It aims to understand whether it is possible to identify a speaking style according to sterotypical aspects of the voice, such as phonatory, prosodic and paralinguistic (breathes,…) cues.

Discourse genres are usually linguistically defined according to some specific lexical, semantic, syntactical and prosodic patterns.
In particular, discourse genres could be related to stereotypical speaking styles.
Here is a pilot study on the relationship between discourse genre and speaking style.

The experiment is open to anyone, french native speaker or not, and will be closed on 2010, April 11th. To process the test, please follow the link.

Thank you for your participation !!

If you are interested in following the most recent advances on synthesis and transformation of sound signals (music and speech) that is conducted in our team at IRCAM,  join the IRCAM analysis & synthesis perceptual tests group on facebook !

IRCAM (Institute for music/acoustic research and coordination) is dedicated to research and contemporary music production, associated to the Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.

Nicolas OBIN.

Nicolas OBIN: PhD Student at IRCAM Analysis/Synthesis Team –
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