Call for scores/multimedia works/papers – XVIII CIM, Torino/Cuneo – Italy

##########################  XVIII CIM –  "Near distances"  ########################## 
Torino-Cuneo October 5/8 2010

AIMI, the Italian Association for Musical Informatics, organizes the XVIII CIM (Colloquium for Musical Informatics), its biennial meeting, in Torino and Cuneo,  October 5/8 2010.

The main topic, "near distances", refers to the increasing diffusion of connectivity in musical production and consumption.

The meeting itself is co-organized by institutions of two different cities, even if of the same region: the University of Turin and the Conservatory of Cuneo.

As usual, the programme will include scientific communications, workshops and artistic events.


With respect to scientific communication, please note that communications written/presented in English are welcome.


Two workshops will be held:

– A SuperCollider 1-day intensive workshop, with special focus on live electronics, will be given  by Joshua Parmenter. Josh will also cure live electronics for the Fiarì Ensemble concert (see later)

– Mark Trayle will lead a 6-day workshop on networked musical systems, culminating in a performance of the work "Phantom rooms", between Torino and Cuneo


Calls for works include:

– trombone and electronics, with Michele Lomuto performing the selected works (Lomuto was a Berio’s favorite for playing his Sequenza)

– ensemble and electronics, with Fiarì Ensenble

– multimedia (audio-video) works to be written for the Virtual  1958 Philips Pavilion, where Varèse’s Poème électronique and Xenakis’ Concret PH were performed,  and rendered over screen projection and 8 channel audio system (



Apart from the three events related to calls for works and Phantom rooms performance, concerts will include also Michele Marelli playing works for clarined and electronics by KH Stockhausen. Jam sessions for electroacoustic improvisers  are going to be organized at the University of Torino.


Important dates:

Call for papers
Submission: 30/06/2010
Notification: 30/07/2010
Camera-ready: 01/09/2010

Call for scores
Submission: 01/07/2010
Notification: 30/07/2010
Delivery of required materials: 01/09/2010

XVIII CIM – Colloquio di Informatica Musicale: 05-08/10/2010


AIMI – Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana

CIRMA – Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca su Multimedia e Audiovisivo
Università degli Studi di Torino

Dipartimento Nuove Tecnologie e Linguaggi Musicali
Conservatorio di Musica “Giorgio Federico Ghedini” di Cuneo
In collaboration with:

Fiarì Ensemble
Unione Musicale Laboratorio Multimediale "G. Quazza"

DAMS – Università di Torino
Stockhausen Stiftung – Kürten


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