EverydaySound Etude8. Digitized Analog Drone Sound

Revision for “EverydaySound Etude8. Digitized Analog Drone Sound” created on February 29, 2016 @ 15:06:13

EverydaySound Etude8. Digitized Analog Drone Sound
The incoming signal (here, the analog drone machine (NovaDrone) gets treated through Sample/Hold, Delay line, and Local feedback on SuperCollider. <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=859676261/size=small/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/transparent=true/" width="300" height="150" seamless=""><a href="http://jiyounkang.bandcamp.com/track/everydaysound-etude8-digitized-analog-drone-sound">EverydaySound Etude8. Digitized Analog Drone Sound by Ji Youn Kang</a></iframe>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
February 29, 2016 @ 15:06:13 JyKang
February 29, 2016 @ 15:05:08 JyKang