just to let you know i’m working a bit on a scala based supercollider client; part of it is a base platform with all the standard ugen graph creation you know from sclang. this base platform is still quite “alpha”, but for example i got all the examples from SC2-examples_1.scd running now. lot’s of ugens missing still, and most of the buffer stuff.
check out the code at
see the readme for requirements. feel to contact me if you like to be working along on this.
below is a bit (to be executed in the REPL) to show you that some stuff can be almost as concise and almost the same syntax as sclang.
ciao, -sciss-
// analog bubbles
val x = play {
val f = LFSaw.kr(0.4).madd(24, LFSaw.kr(List(8, 7.23)).madd(3, 80)).midicps; // glissando function
CombN.ar(SinOsc.ar(f)*0.04, 0.2, 0.2, 4) // echoing sine wave
// harmonic swimming
val x = play {
val f = 50 // fundamental frequency
val p = 20 // number of partials per channel
var z: GE = 0.0 // start of oscil daisy chain
val offset = Line.kr(0, -0.02, 60) // causes sound to separate and fade
for( i <- 0 until p ) {
z = FSinOsc.ar( f * (i+1) ).madd( // freq of partial
List( Rand( 2, 10 ), Rand( 2, 10 ))).madd( // amplitude rate
0.02, // amplitude scale
offset // amplitude offset
).max( 0 ), // clip negative amplitudes to zero
// aleatoric quartet
// mouse x controls density
val x = play {
val amp = 0.07
val density = MouseX.kr(0.01,1) // mouse determines density of excitation
// calculate multiply and add for excitation probability
val dmul = density.reciprocal * 0.5 * amp
val dadd = dmul.neg + amp
var signal = Mix.fill(4) { // mix an array of 4 instruments
val excitation = PinkNoise.ar(
// if amplitude is below zero it is clipped
// density determines the probability of being above zero
max(0, LFNoise1.kr(8).madd(dmul, dadd))
val freq = Lag.kr( // lag the pitch so it glissandos between pitches
LFNoise0.kr( // use low freq step noise as a pitch control
Array(1, 0.5, 0.25)( // choose a frequency of pitch change
7, // +/- 7 semitones
IRand(36, 96) // random center note
).round(1), // round to nearest semitone
0.2 // gliss time
).midicps // convert to hertz
Pan2.ar( // pan each intrument
CombL.ar(excitation, 0.02, freq.reciprocal, 3), // comb delay simulates string
Rand(-1,1) // random pan position
// add some reverb via allpass delays
for(i <- 1 to 5) { signal = AllpassN.ar(signal, 0.05, List(Rand(0,0.05),Rand(0,0.05)), 1) }
LeakDC.ar( signal, 0.995) // delays build up a lot of DC, so leak it out here.