Multitouch external for MaxMSP

The trackpad on the late MacBooks can track up to 10 or more (!) fingers at once. Fingerpinger is an external object for MaxMSP that we wrote around code from It’s an experimental hack… but its fun and its free…

[ download ]

TrackPadSynth is a simple but fun example of what you can do with fingerpinger. It’s a standalone version, you don’t need MaxMSP to try it out…


Fingerpinger provides the following data in realtime (about every 8ms, very low latency):

  • Finger index
  • Frame number
  • Angle
  • Major and minor axis of ellipsoid
  • Position
  • Velocity (x,y)
  • Identifier
  • State
  • Size


You’ll need a recent Apple MacBook with Intel processor
MaxMSP 4.6 or MaxMSP 5


Fingerpinger 2009 by Michael & Max Egger is licensed under GNU GPL 2.0
Code based on

Known Issues

Mouse gestures still work

On the latest MacBooks with 4 finger gestures, we could not find a way yet to suppress the gestures for Exposé, so you’ll be confronted much too often with flying windows when playing with fingerpinger. Any help for turning off this “feature” is greatly appreciated.


Somehow we had to copy the MultitouchSupport.framework from /System/PrivateFrameworks/ to the xcode project folder to be able to compile the external.


  • Max External (version 2009-06-01)
  • Source code
  • TrackPadSynth is a simple but fun example of what you can do with fingerpinger. It’s a standalone version, you don’t need MaxMSP to try it out…

–Reference :


csound~ 1.0.6

csound~ 1.0.6 is now available at:

What’s new:

In MacOSX, [csound~] will accept Max style paths as well as POSIX style
paths.  [dp.pathconvert] is no longer necessary.

Added “open” message that does the same thing as double-clicking on the
[csound~] external; it opens the current csd or orc/sco file(s).

Added “run” message that allows you to execute command line commands.

Help patch has been improved and expanded.

Sc3~ Max/MSP object bridges between Max and SC3

Everyone —

I am releasing v 0.99 and 0.98 (Max5 and Max4.x, respectively) of
a new [sc3~] object for Max/MSP.  This free download acts as a
bridge between Max/MSP and the SuperCollider 3 language.  The
object is available here:

for Macintosh OS X (10.4 and 10.5).  If this works well, I hope to
have a windows version without too much trouble.

[sc3~] allows data and audio to be sent to/from the sclang and
scsynth processes, making it easy to integrate the SuperCollider 3
language into Max/MSP work.  Multiple instantiations of the object
can exist in a single patcher, and SC3 scripts can be constructed
within Max/MSP or stored in the object’s buffers for convenient
recall with a patch.  Full source for the object and the three
modified SuperCollider files are also available at the site.

I hope people find this useful — it’s an early version so some
crashes may happen.  Good luck, enjoy it!  For more information
about SuperCollider 3, visit:

Brad Garton, Director
Columbia University Computer Music Center