
Hello everybody!

I’m here to inform you that the next Csound Blog is up.  Here’s a quick

“Today’s blog is on SineBox: a “music box” like instrument that plays
itself. Once a user starts SineBox with a single i-event in the score,
SineBox creates instances of itself, generating multiple sine tones over
time. This may not be the most musical piece of Csound technology ever
conceived of. It can, however, be molded to fit a wide range of uses,
musical and otherwise.”


The Csound Blog  

New PythonDemoApp

I have committed to Csound CVS a new examples/ and application. This demonstrates a number of techniques involved with effectively using the Csound’s Python API. This is not a real-time performance application, so much as it is a composition that plays in real time and enables the user to tweak synthesis parameters that affect the global sound of the piece, and even to edit the orchestra and score. All changes can be saved as progressive ‘snapshots’ which are restored when the application starts up again.

image opcodes updated (added imagefree)

I have updated my (png) image opcodes.

I have added the opcode imagefree to free the memory used by a previously loaded/created image. I am still studying the csound plugin development api and I’m sure there are more elegant ways to solve this problem. :-[

At least it is more usable than before. πŸ™‚

– c.