
k/ar     ocilli      k/xamp,    kcps,    ifn[,    iphs]

-ifn : function table number. wrap-around guard point가 요구된다.
-iphs(optional) : sampling의 초기 phase로서 한 사이클(1에서 1까지)의 부분으로서 나타내어진다. 음수값은 skip되기 위한 phase의 초기화의 원인이 되며, default값은 0이다.

What SEO stands for

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results (visit https://victoriousseo.com/ and learn all about it!). When conducted correctly and consistently, Google can improve your rankings significantly, with the exception of top pages which are filtered through manually.

Don't Try To Outsmart Google. SEO For Dummies

The main goal of SEO is to increase traffic from organic search by adding relevant keywords to the end of your website’s URL and by using meta tags to better position your site within search engine results. When it’s done correctly, Google will often give your site a “higher position in the search results” and the page may appear higher in the search results.
For more information about SEO, read our article about Search Engine Optimization.

Data Minimization

Another tool that helps us achieve higher rankings is data optimization, which is an industry term for reducing your website to as small as possible in order to increase the likelihood of being found by Google in their database. With this tool, you can compress your website from over 60 files per file, down to two and lots of other plugins, including WordPress and Microsoft Word.

Compressing your website is only beneficial in the short-term because there will be a later decision to enable your website again. As long as you can keep your servers warm, which it takes20-30 minutes, your website will be ready to re-enable in Google.


Table값은 direct indexing이나, 증가하는 sampling에 의해 입력되어진다.

i/kr     tablei     indx,   ifn[,   ixmode[,   ixoff[,   iwrap]]]

-ifn ; f-table number.   확장된 guard poing값을 요구한다.
-ixmode (optional); index data mode. Default 값은 0.
                     0 = index그대로.
                     1 = nomalized(0 에서 1까지)
-ixoff (optional); index가 offset되기 위한 총량. 중앙에서 발생하는 테이블을 위하여, tablesize/2(raw)또는, 5(nomalized)를 사용한다. default값은 0.
-iwrap (optional); wraparound index flag
                     0 = nowrap(index<0 은 index를 0으로 취급하며, index table size는 index와 size가 맞게 맞춘다.)
                     1 = wraparound

table은 control 또는 audio인덱스튿의 초기값을 대신하여 테이블 검색(lookup)을 요구한다. 이 인덱스들은, 입력된 숫자 그대로가 될수도 있으며, 0에서 1까지로 scale된 값이 될수도 있다. 인덱스들은, 검색테이블 전의 영역을 검사할깨 offset값에 의해 첫번째로 수정된다. 만약, 인덱스값이 전체가 scale할것 같거나, 내삽값이 사용하려한다면, 그 테이블은 확장된 guard point를 가지고 있어야 한다. 주기적인 phasor에 의해 인덱스된 table은 ocillator의 simulate가 될것이다.

/* table.orc */
; Initialize the global variables.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; Instrument #1.
instr 1
  ; Vary our index linearly from 0 to 1.
  kndx line 0, p3, 1

  ; Read Table #1 with our index.
  ifn = 1
  ixmode = 1
  kfreq table kndx, ifn, ixmode

  ; Generate a sine waveform, use our table values
  ; to vary its frequency.
  a1 oscil 20000, kfreq, 2
  out a1
/* table.orc */

/* table.sco */
; Table #1, a line from 200 to 2,000.
f 1 0 1025 -7 200 1024 2000
; Table #2, a sine wave.
f 2 0 16384 10 1

; Play Instrument #1 for 2 seconds.
i 1 0 2
/* table.sco */