Radio Jean-Talon call for submissions

 Radio Jean-Talon 

is a 28 day  CRTC certified radio station transmitting from Centre Lajeunesse (de Castelneau & Lajeunesse) throughout the Villeray neighbourhood and beyond.
We are looking for field recordings of this district to play throughout the festival. Any other content pertaining to the neighbourhood is also welcome, in particular music from Algeria, China, Viet-Nam and Sri Lanka and Italy.

To submit, simply send an email to
For further information, see website below.

NYCEMF 2010 Call for Works

Date: 2009 September 21 1:44:34 PM EDT
Subject: NYCEMF 2010 Call for Works

Call for Works

The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival invites the submission of art works incorporating experimental audio in any capacity, including, but not limited to:

   * concert works incorporating digital audio–works including performers, videos, and other elements are encouraged.

   * installations–to be exhibited for all or part of the festival.

   * experimental approaches–propose your own involvement with the

All works, installations, and proposals will be submitted through the online submission site,  All file formats are accepted.

The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2009.

Call for Curated Concerts

Groups of composers (studios, organizations, etc.) are invited to submit proposals to present an entire concert of works. The program may not exceed one hour, including any introductory remarks. Only the curators will be required to attend, and the registration fees for each piece will be heavily discounted. Emerging artists are especially encouraged to submit.


The festival will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center, at 365 Fifth Ave, New York City (in the shadow of the Empire State building). There are two on-site performance spaces:

Elebash Hall

a 180 fixed-seat theater with full stage and video capabilities.  Emphasis on works with multiple performers. 8.1 Meyer speakers, more TBA.

Segal Theater

80 movable-seat black-box-like theater with stage area and full video capabilities. Emphasis on single-performer and fixed media works. 8.1 Genelec speakers.

Off-Site Venues

Three late-night events will take place in various NYC venues. NYCEMF programs works in these venues based on artists’ preference. We expect to host at least one concert at Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn, and we will update the web site if other spaces are available.

For more information on NYCEMF spaces and systems, including speaker-arrangement diagrams, photos of the spaces, and a complete list of NYCEMF equipment, visit

NYCEMF Performers

NYCEMF will supply instrumentalists to support the performance of a limited number of selected works. We will not be able to provide performers for every piece that is accepted, so composers and artists who can supply their own performers are encouraged. Composers can express their interest using the submissions form.

Submission Guidelines

Composers may submit up to two works, an installation, and a curated concert.

For Concert Works

Length – We encourage the submission of works under 12 minutes, but will consider a small number of longer works, to which more selective criteria will be applied. Works longer than 20 minutes will not be considered.

Logistics – We will consider all submissions regardless of the complexity of setup. However, please be aware that we will only be able to accept a limited number of large-ensemble or logistically demanding works.

Attendance and Registration

Composers and artists whose submissions are selected for presentation at NYCEMF will be required to attend and to pay a registration fee, which is expected to be $125-150. NYCEMF is a nonprofit festival; the fee supports a substantial schedule of diverse events.

Please visit for more information

Professor Hubert S. Howe, Jr.
Aaron Copland School of Music
Queens College C.U.N.Y.
Flushing, NY 11367-1597
(718) 997-3865 (997-FUNK)

Spain: Electroacoustic composition contest

 Gregorio Jiménez
President of AMEE (Spanish Electroacoustic Music Asociation)



The International Electroacustic Music Festival Punto de Encuentro Canarias
ELECTROACUSTIC COMPOSITION 2009 that will be held in accordance with the
following rules:

1. There are no age or nationality limitations.

2. The aim of the contest is the creation of pure electroacustic music. The
duration is between 4 minutes minimum and 10 minutes maximum.

3. Only one composition per composer (solo or in group) may be presented.
The work presented cannot have been previously premiered, edited or awarded.

4. The work is to be submitted in the following CD formats: CD Audio, wav or
aif and always stereo at 16 bit  and 44.100 kHz. The work should be sent by
insured postal mail to the  following address:

c/ Fernando Guanarteme, 30
35010 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Islas Canarias, SPAIN

5. In a closed envelope the entrants shall include a copy of their
composition on CD bearing only the title of the composition. The envelope
must also contain another envelope with the title of composition, complete
contact information, a short biography and a brief description of the work
presented (i.e. means and resources used, method, concept, etc.). In the
case the participant were to be Canary born proof of nationality is

6. The closing date for presentation is the 1st October 2009 at 20:00.

7. A Jury of Professionals designated by Punto de Encuentro Canarias will be
responsible for the selection of the awarded works.


1. ABSOLUTE: Awarded to the best international composition. Granted with
2,000 euros (subject to local taxes)

2. Canary Composition:  Awarded to the best work carried out by a Canary
artist. Granted with 1,000 euros (subject to local taxes)

3. HONORARY MENTION: Acknowledgment without amount granted.

7. If the Absolute Award were to fall upon a Canary artist the prize then
for the Canary Composition will be granted to the second runner up by order
of votes in that category.

8. The Jury will resolve whatever events should derive from the
interpretation of these  foundations and the decisions are not open to

9. The participants by whit of participation in the contest, authorize the
publication of their work in a Promo CD, as well as the public diffusion on
the website and concerts of the Canary Point of Encounter Festival.

10. Participation in this contest implies the acceptance of its rules.