QuteCsound 0.4RC1

Hi all,

After eight months of nearly obsessive development of QuteCsound, and
to celebrate my wife’s birthday, I am proud to release the first out
of beta version 0.4RC1. This is an important milestone as it marks the
completion of support of MacCsound widgets. There are a few interface
things missing, but all csds made in MacCsound should translate and
work correctly (please holler if something doesn’t work, it is a bug).
This also marks the end of a stream of continuous releases in favor of
longer release times.

So this is a call for bug reports and any issues found in this
version, towards a final release in January.

More importantly this is a call for examples and tutorials to be
included in this final release. Please post any examples, synths,
effects or tutorials for inclusion in the release. The files must be
released under the GPLv3 to be incuded.

You can find the release for Windows, OS X and source packages here:


New in 0.4RC1 (Codename: Birthday girl):
-Implemented Graph widget which shows csound f-tables
-Implemented Scroll Number widget.
-Implemented SpinBox widget. This marks the completion of support for
MacCsound widgets
-Copy, paste, cut and duplicate is now possible for widgets. Paste
works even across files.
-Widget panel size and position is now stored. The only caveat is that
docking/undocking manually changes the size.
-Added reserved channels for buttons (If a value button sends on
channel _Play and it is pressed, QuteCsound starts realtime playback.
A _Stop channel or a _Play button with value 0, will stop.)
-New examples menu which aims to contain many significant examples.
-New Play in terminal button.
-FLTK widgets are disabled by default. Go to the preferences to change this.
-New menu which includes all opcodes by category when right clicking
on the editor

Fixed in 0.4RC1:
-Fixed encoding problems. International characters will now be
preserved correctly. They may not be preserved correctly for other
software that doesn’t use Unicode.


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