for both Macintosh OS X (universal binary) and Windows XP.
New features in this release include the ability to access sound
data from max/msp [buffer~] objects as well as several minor bug
For those who don’t know, [rtcmix~] encapsulates the “musicN”-style
sound synthesis and signal processing language RTcmix within
Max/MSP. RTcmix includes a robust scheduler and large set of
pre-compiled synthesis and signal-processing instruments. It
also comes with a functional-style (“C-like”) programming interface
for algorithmic compositional work as well as data storage and
mathematical operations. Full source for the objectand the
language are also on-line.
Both Macintosh OSX and Windows XP versions are available.
I hope you enjoy using it! For more information about RTcmix,
visit the RTcmix web page:
Brad Garton
Columbia University Computer Music Center