csound~ v1.0.3 can be found at:
Please note that on WinXP, the “python25.dll” errors are not fatal;
just click “OK”, “OK”, “OK” and continue working. Don’t want to
see those error messages anymore? Just install Python 2.5.
Here’s a summary of changes since last version:
-> Added “bypass” message. “bypass 1” enables bypass mode and
“bypass 0” disables bypass mode.
When bypass mode is enabled, audio arriving at [csound~]’s inlets
will be copied to their respective outlets. If there is an active
Csound performance, it will not be performed while in bypass mode,
thus saving CPU cycles.
-> Added “tempo” message. It accepts a float argument that sets
the playback speed when playing recorded events. “tempo 1.0” means
playback at original speed. “tempo” messages are not recorded.
-> (WinXP) Fixed crashes when sending “start” or “bang” after sending a
“csound” message that contains files that can’t be found. Now, when
the “csound” message is received, all csd/orc/sco files are are
searched for. If they are not found, then sending “bang” or “start”
will do nothing.
-> (WinXP) Only two binaries included in zip file (csound~_double.mxe and
csound~_float.mxe). These binaries are compatible with Csound_5.03
through Csound_5.06. They should also be compatible with upcoming
releases (fingers crossed).
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