Generative Music for Download.

Dear Maxers!

I just released UB standalones of two “classic” realtime compositions that I started to develop in the early 1990ies when I was working at IRCAM:

Lexikon-Sonate (1992-1997)
algorithmic music generator

Amazing Maze (1993-2007)
interactive realtime composition for sampled sound particles

Both projects were started as works-in-progress on the IRCAM Musical Workstation (a NeXT machine equipped with a custom made DSP card) which contained a predecessor of Max and MSP. Parallel to work on both pieces I began the development of a software library nowadays known as the “Real Time Composition Library” (RTC-lib) which is widely used for algorithmic composition under Max and its derivates.

Both pieces run on Apple computers with PPC or Intel processors and can be download as freeware from:

Spread the news!
   — Karlheinz Essl

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