I have posted an update csound~ to this site:
What’s changed? Well, the documenation has been re-organized and
expanded (there’s a “Troubleshooting” section now) AND two bugs
have been fixed:
-> Fixed “control” message handling of integer arguments. Previously,
messages such as “control gain 100” were not handled correctly
because 100 is not a float (i.e. does not have a period to denote it
as a float).
-> Fixed crash when csound~ is exited before a performance has finished.
This bug did not appear consistently, but now it shouldn’t appear at all.
For me, it mostly appeared when quitting MaxMSP while csound~ was
Note to users:
You can check what version of csound~ you’re running by creating
a csound~ object and checking the Max window for something like this:
csound~ build date: 2006_04_24
If you downloaded the latest version, but the build date doesn’t match
what’s posted on the web site, then clear your browser’s cache and
download again.