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Alessandro Cipriani – Maurizio Giri
Theory and Practice with Max/MSP – Vol. I
Translation by David Stutz
Figures produced by: Gabriele Cappellani
Interactive Examples: Francesco Rosati
Index: Salvatore Mudanò
More than 500 pages, interactive examples, hundreds of patches, online
support, theory and Max/MSP glossary, test, reverse engineering
exercises, analyses, completion and correction of patches, etc.
Chapter I – Introduction to Sound Synthesis and Signal Processing
Chapter II – Additive Synthesis
Chapter III – Subtractive Synthesis
Chapter IV – Controls and LFO
for use in university courses, the book is an overview of the theory
and practice of Max/MSP, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests
that allow students to evaluate their progress. Comprehensive online
support, running parallel to the explanations in the book, includes
hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive sound-building
exercises, and reverse engineering exercises. This book will provide a
reader with skill and understanding in using Max/MSP for sound design
and musical composition.
Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 will include digital
audio and sampled sounds, delay lines (echo, loops, flangers, chorus
effects, phasers, pitch shifting, reverse, comb filters, allpass
filters, Karplus-Strong algorithm), MIDI and realtime control, dynamic
processors (compressors, expanders, gates, limiters), reverb and
spatialization, Max for Live, non-linear synthesis (AM, RM, FM, PM, PD
and non-linear distortion), granular synthesis and formant synthesis,
convolution, analysis and resynthesis, micromontage and concatenative
sound synthesis, physical modeling, and jitter for audio.
INTRODUCTION by Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri
For info click here
EMaSD – Electronic Music and Sound Design Interactive Examples Vol. 1 from Franz Rosati on Vimeo.
A short video of the Interactive Examples Application by Francesco Rosati