Baudline spectral visualizer는 원래 Linux만 지원했는데 Mac을 위한 버전이 출시되었네요.
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Spectrogram time / frequency browsing
- Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)
- Scientific visualization
- Data Acquisition (DAQ)
- Continuous data logging
- Device under test (DUT) and measurement
- Environmental analysis
- Signal analysis and quality monitoring
- Audio file visual browsing
- Audio file playback
- Function Generator
- FFT Analyzer
- Weak Signal
- 192 kHz real-time bandwidth
- 96 dB dynamic range
- Real or Quadrature input
- Multiple sound card support
- JACK Audio Connection Kit sound server support
- Input Digital Down Converter
- Configurable input channels that can perform various DSP operations
- Fourier, Correlation, Impulse Response, Transfer Function, and Raster transforms
- Channel Equalization
- Frequency, time, amplitude, and sample probability distribution analysis
- Drift Integration “de-chirping”
- High speed displays
- Test signal generation
- Audio player
- looping
- speed control with multirate resampling
- pitch scaling
- heterodyning (frequency shifting)
- 2D matrix surround panning
- notch, high, and low pass filters
- digital gain boost
- looping
- File loading
- file formats: .wav, .aiff, .au, .al, .snd, .voc, .rmd, .pvf,
.mp3, ID3, .ogg, .gsm, .sah, .fna,
.avi, .mov - channels: mono, stereo, … up to 9 channels
- data formats: ASCII decimal, A-law, u-law, 1-bit (msb & lsb),
8-bit (signed & unsigned), 16/24/32-bit integer (little & big endian),
float, double - compression
- lossless suffixes: .gz, .bz2, .Z, .zip, .flac
- codecs: ADPCM, GSM, MPEG, Ogg Vorbis
- lossless suffixes: .gz, .bz2, .Z, .zip, .flac
- file formats: .wav, .aiff, .au, .al, .snd, .voc, .rmd, .pvf,
- Measurements
- peaks: primary, secondary, delta (Hz dB PSD)
- fundamental: (Hz dB PSD), auto drift rate, chromatic, periodicity, RPM
- distortion: SNR, THD, SINAD, ENOB, SFDR
- power: full, select, noise ratio (dB PSD)
- system: clips, delta selected, frequency range, cursor time, UTC time
- peaks: primary, secondary, delta (Hz dB PSD)

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