Australasian Computer Music Conference 2010


The Australasian Computer Music Conference will be held
at the Australian National University in Canberra this year between 24-26 June. (If follows shortly after NIME).


The Keynote speaker is Roger Dannenberg. Here is an overview:

Title: Interaction In the World of Beats

Abstract: Most art music eschews simple, visceral rhythms. A rock beat in electro-acoustic concert music is unheard of except as social commentary or irony. Research in our field has largely accepted this aesthetic direction. Computer accompaniment, conducting, improvising, and other interactive systems assume that tempo (if any) is meant to be manipulated expressively. As a consequence, computer music technology comes up lacking in the world of beats, characterized by a steady tempo, where rhythm and structure are tightly coupled. My vision is to create new interactive systems that accept the premise of beats and exploit that structure to the fullest. I will discuss how beats alter the very nature of musical interaction. I hope to engage student, amateur, and professional musicians at all levels in new conceptualizations of electro-acoustic music production and control. There is a tremendous potential for creative new directions and performance practices to emerge.

Central to performance activities this year will be live-coding with performances by Andrew Sorensen and others and an
Impromptu/iPhone collaborative diffusion organized by Ben Swift.

The submission deadline has been extended by two weeks from the 30th April for papers and performances.
The submission link is on the home page at the end under “Call for Works”.

Apologies for the late announcement if you haven’t seen this before.

Also, if you have any enquires please contact me.



Dr. Alistair Riddell | Lecturer in Sound Art and Physical Computing
The Australian National University | Department of Photography and Media Arts | School of Art
College of Arts and Social Sciences
Room 2.22. Peter Karmel Building #121
Childers St
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
CRICOS Provider #00120C

Visiting Research Fellow
College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS)

T: 02 6125 5642 | F: 02 6125 8262
W: |

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