Call for Submissions
Sounding Landscapes: a multi-channel audio event
This call is for sonic art explorations of literal or fantastic
interpretations of acoustic space, utilizing spatial production
innovations and the relationship between space, time and physical
For an upcoming multidisciplinary concert event in March, is looking for multi-channel sonic compositions in any
genre. In particular, we are looking for works that trouble the
definitions of space and place through multi-channel audio methods.
Your multi-channel composition(s) can range from four to eight
channels. All accepted submissions will be presented through an
eight-channel octophonic (equal-spaced, lateral plane ring) speaker
- We will consider sonic works that have video or live components, including dance, poetry or experimental theater.
- Artists must make their own arrangements for performers if this is a component of your work.
- We are interested in Saskatchewan-based submissions for live
performance: these works must consider multi-source, spatial sound
(live and/or pre-recorded) in presentation. Travel expenses will be
provided for out of town performers as funding allows. - All artists featured in the concert will receive an honorarium
Multi-channel submissions should be sent via a filesharing website
(such as yousendit or sendspace) or ftp server as individual .wav or
.aif files for each channel. We request that you label each file as
Composition title – Channel number – speaker position
Example: amazingspace_ch1_leftfront.wav
All submissions must include a completed submission form located at
Submissions may be sent by email to the following address:
regular postal address
PO Box 33089
3015 13th Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4T 1P0 Canada
Submissions should be submitted by February 1st, 2010 to be considered for this event.