The supercollider Book

여러해동안 계획되오던 책이 드디어 준비중인가봅니다. 곧 나오길 바래요.

Wilson, S., Cottle, D. and Collins, N. (eds). 2010. The SuperCollider Book. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press


Foreword…………….. v

James McCartney

Introduction…………….. x

Scott Wilson, David Cottle and Nick Collins


1 Beginner’s Tutorial…………….. 1

David Cottle

2 The Unit Generator…………….. 64

Joshua Parmenter

3 Composition with SuperCollider…………….. 82

Scott Wilson and Julio d’Escriván

4 Ins and Outs — SuperCollider and External Devices…………….. 106

Stefan Kersten, Marije A.J. Baalman and Till Bovermann

Advanced Tutorials

5 Programming in SuperCollider…………….. 137

Iannis Zannos

6 Events and Patterns…………….. 188

Ron Kuivila

7 Just in Time Programming…………….. 212

Julian Rohrhuber and Alberto de Campo

8 Object Modelling…………….. 235

Alberto de Campo, Julian Rohrhuber and Till Bovermann

Platforms and GUI

9 Mac OSX GUI…………….. 254

Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein

10 SwingOSC…………….. 275

Hanns Holger Rutz

11 SuperCollider on Windows…………….. 300

Christopher Frauenberger

12 “Collision with the Penguin” – SuperCollider on Linux…………….. 317

Stefan Kersten and Marije A.J. Baalman

Practical Applications

13 Sonification and Auditory Display in SuperCollider…………….. 353

Alberto de Campo, Julian Rohrhuber, Till Bovermann, Christopher Frauenberger

14 Spatialization with SuperCollider…………….. 378

Scott Wilson and Marije A.J. Baalman

15 Machine Listening in SuperCollider…………….. 402

Nick Collins

16 Microsound…………….. 424

Alberto de Campo

17 Alternative Tunings with SuperCollider…………….. 450

Fabrice Mogini

18 Non-Real-Time Synthesis and Object Oriented Composition…………….. 479

Brian Wilkie and Joshua Parmenter

Projects and Perspectives

19 A Binaural Simulation of Varèse’s Poème électronique…………….. 502

Stefan Kersten, Vincenzo Lombardo, Fabrizio Nunnari, and Andrea Valle

20 High-level structures for live performance: dewdrop_lib and chucklib…………….. 512

James Harkins

21 Interface Investigations…………….. 532

Thor Magnusson

22 SuperCollider in Japan…………….. 544

Takeko Akamatsu

23 Dialects, Constraints and Systems within Systems…………….. 550

Julian Rohrhuber, Tom Hall and Alberto de Campo

Developer Topics

24 The SuperCollider Language Implementation…………….. 576

Stefan Kersten

25 Writing Unit Generator Plugins…………….. 597

Dan Stowell

26 Inside scsynth…………….. 638

Ross Bencina


Syntax of the SuperCollider Language…………….. 663

Iannis Zannos

SC에서 Audio Meter사용하기

사운드 작업을 하다보면 늘 소리를 눈으로 확인해야 한다. MAX에서는 친절하게 signal을 보여주는

여러가지 툴들이 있는데 (scope~, number~, meter~) SC에서는 늘 그부분이 불만족 스러웠다.

기능이 없는것은 아닌데 불편했달까.

SC할때, internal server를 사용하면 internal server를 활성화 시킨후 s를 누르면

Scope가 등장한다.


그리고 local server에서는 s.meter를 사용하여 meter들을 확인하나

서버를 recompile할때 많은 오류가 나온다.

이 부분은 모르는 분들이 많은것이다. help에 search에 어디한군데 시원하게 나와있지를 않으니!!


여기에 도움을 줄 class를 소개하자면



s. meter는 보여지는 레벨 범위등 설정이 불가능하나

audio meter는 여러가지 설정이 가능하다.

모든 설명과 예제는 help에 잘 나와있다.

다운받아서 Users/Library/Application Supports/Supercollider/Extensions/ 여기에 넣고 recompile하면 된다.

SuperCollider 3.3 Released

SuperCollider 3.3 is now available for download. SuperCollider
is an environment and programming language for real time audio
synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted
object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state
of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.

SuperCollider was written by James McCartney
over a period of many years, and is now an open source (GPL) project
maintained and developed by various people. It is an efficient and
expressive dynamic programming language which makes it an interesting
framework for acoustic research, algorithmic music and interactive
programming, making it valuable to scientists, musicians, and artists
working with sound.

There are many changes since 3.2, but here are some headlines:

  • GUI system updates: easier syntax, plus a major
    update of GUI documentation, as well as extra features such as modal
    sheets, SCLevelIndicator, and menu item manipulation
  • New UGens added:
    • BEQSuite filter UGens (popular set of nice-sounding filters)
    • PartConv (efficient frequency-domain convolution)
    • SendReply (sends arrays from server to the language client)
    • VDiskIn (like DiskIn but with variable rate)
    • LFGauss
  • Buffer recording/playback UGens used to be limited to 16-channel; now they can handle massively multi-channel audio
  • SCImage for manipulating bitmap image objects (mac only)
  • LocalBuf framework allows synths to create/free their own “private” buffers, simplifying buffer management in many situations
  • Various behind-the-scenes efficiency improvements, for a sleeker audio server that can do more on a given machine

Visit the SuperCollider downloads page to get binary or source-code downloads for your platform.

<The PolyMachine and live-coding [ixiQuarks]>