The SuperCollider GUI redesign project

SuperCollider에서 GUI를 재정비 하려나 봅니다. 좋은 디자인들을 모집하는 글이니 관심이 있으신 분들은 기여하셔도 좋을것 같습니다~

The SuperCollider GUI redesign project

The SuperCollider
development community invites graphic designers and UI specialists to
create a unique and elegant look for its GUI controls (buttons, sliders,
knobs, etc.)  Visual coherency of the interface elements is essential
for making a good first impression for any Open Source project and for
day to day work an elegant and uniform look makes for an inspiring

SuperCollider is a programming language and development
environment for real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. 
Originally released in 1996, it is now a widely used open source project
that runs on Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS and Android.  It is renowned for
its audio quality, flexibility and efficiency.  It is widely used by
composers, musicians, improvisers and media artists as well as by
researchers. It is taught in many universities, and is used in numerous
research projects, galleries, concerts and clubs.

However it must be admitted that SuperCollider does not have the sexiest knobs.

Current State of GUI

So far SuperCollider has a reputation for being primarily a text
based language without a substantial GUI, and there have been many
interesting works done that treat code as an art-form in itself and
revel in the use of pure code as an interface.

There does exist a full compliment of standard GUI controls
(buttons, sliders, knobs, etc.), but these lack the finesse and visual
appeal that inspire artists. GUI interfaces can be written in
SuperCollider code to create standard controls (knobs, buttons, faders
etc.) and on a custom canvas (like Processing, HTML5 Canvas etc). These
interfaces are used in building small applications, performance
instruments, for use in installations, and for creating experimental
software that are works of art in themselves. There also exist larger
applications and specialized libraries that automatically compose GUIs.

The environment has up until now used GUI controls that required
separate implementations for different OS, so now a true cross platform
GUI is being constructed using the Qt (pronounced “Qute”) application
framework.  The implementation will give it a uniform look across all
platforms (no native widgets) and will give SuperCollider an instantly
recognized and distinctive look.

Call for Designs

For this new implementation the development community invites
graphic designers and UI specialists to submit designs for the standard
elements. The full set of elements that are needed can be seen on this
screenshot: GUI ELEMENTS. View the SuperCollider code to generate these elements. Besides the elements in the screenshot, a check box, a radio button and a tabbed view should also be provided.

Entries to this call should be submitted to the SuperCollider GUI Flicker group
where members of the SuperCollider community will be able to view and
discuss the pros and cons of the design.  The development community also
invites any interested party to make contact via and welcomes advice regarding the project from anyone experienced with designing a complete and coherent GUI.

While the designer is invited to be free and create, a few guidelines have been established: SuperCollider GUI Design Guidelines

License: since SuperCollider is open-source (GPL) software, the designs will need to be licensed accordingly – GPL v2 or later.

SuperCollider GUI Design Project

GeoGraphy: GUI by vanderaalle

scope-strips-12 by Stephan Wittwer

Score follower for Rumentarium by vanderaalle

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