Hipno: New Plug-In Suite

There’s a new suite of granular, spectral, filter/delay plug-ins called Hipno. It’s from Cycling ’74, and can be very useful for electroacoustic composition, IMHO. I just tried out the demo and quite a few of these are outstanding:



___ Ned Bouhalassa ___
> > http://nedfx.com < <
::::: ned@nedfx.com ::::

Updated Hipno Installer

Hey everyone,

An updated Hipno 1.0 installer is now on the web site.  This  
alleviates the goofiness where Jitter 1.5 users might have some  
objects downgraded.  If you’ve been waiting to try it out, go for it!

If you already installed Hipno over your Jitter 1.5 install (Mac  
only) please send me an email off-list.  We’ll make sure you have  
everything all cleared up.

Thanks and enjoy!


Hi everyone,

Jamoma 0.2.1 is now available at http://jamoma.org (Mac and Windows).

Jamoma is an open-source framework for structuring Max patches  
modularly.  It was developed primarily by Trond Lossius and myself,  
with additional contributions from several folks on this list  
(including Matt Aidekman and John Hudak).

There is a lot of stuff that I could say about it (we’ve been working  
on this for a long time), but I’ll spare you all (this time!).
