c74 app update, now also for iPad!

c74 has finally been updated to version 1.4, adding lots of new
objects, features and bug fixes. The update requires you to download the
v1.4 external. Please make sure that Max won’t still use the old one
(so delete the previous version). A full list of changes :

Fixed :
– Appearance on sliders
– Better multitouch support for screen background
– Some bugs regarding the image commands
– Path issues on images

Added :
– iPad support, app is now Universal.
– multislider object
– XY object
– kslider object
– textedit object
– messagebox object
– umenu object
– Webbrowser object
– Font support
– Microphone attribute, sends the iPhone/iPads average microphone value.
– Menu attribute, hide the menu triangle at the bottom of the screen.
– Rotate attribute, prevents the app from rotating screen content
– App now sends interface orientation
– Ability to query url’s (e.g. content of php file) with url message
– sfrecord message that records audio of a given duration on the iOS
device (currently only in .caf format, which can’t be read by neither
buffer~ or sfplay~ …)
– sfplay message that plays audio on the iOS device

Known issues :
– Grabbing images might cause c74 to disconnect, memory issues (on iPhone 4)
– sfrecord message is in an experimantal stage.

To be added in v1.5 :
– gyroscope support (implementation will end compatibility with iOS 3.2)
– poll rate on sensors
– forward remote device data (for instance headset buttons)
– suggestions ?

Some links :
http://www.itunes.com/apps/c74 Link to the iTunes store
http://www.nr74.org/c74/c74v14.zip This is where you’ll find the new external
http://www.nr74.org/c74/c74v14.pdf Often requested, a manual on how to connect and play with c74 (includes list of objects/commands)



Hi all,

Forgive the promotion, but maxers may enjoy this max/msp improvisation
I just put up on my netlabel:

A fifteen minute exercise in blissful and tortured improvisation for
piano and laptop is the first solo luvsound contribution from
Wisconsin’s Bryan Teoh (also a member of ICELU). Bryan’s primary
instrument is guitar, but it’s clear he operates just as well striking
strings as he does plucking them. Bones break, strings vibrate, on a

You can download the release here: http://www.luvsound.org/index.php


www.hecanjog.com / www.cedarav.com / www.luvsound.org

he can jog split ep with jahbitat forthcoming on norsordo:

Switches and Intricate Maximals comps out now on Audiobulb Records