Web sound synthesis

 Web에서 Synthesis를 즐겨보자.

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다양한 method와 multimedia를 통한 Sound Synthesis가 대세인 요즘 웹상에서 synthesis를 한다는것도 별로 놀랍지 않지만 단순히 웹상에서 즐기는 Synthesis가 아닌 Network를 통한 연주방법과 새로운 방식의 앙상블의 가능성을 생각하면 재미있는 결과가 나올수 있는 툴이 될 수 있을것이다.

그의 홈페이지에 가면 더 다양한 결과물을 볼 수 있다.

링크 :http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jorgeh/

MacPOD 2.0

New MacPod is released. 

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MacPOD is named in honour of the original POD GSAMX system developed by Barry Truax at Simon Fraser University.

MacPOD uses granular synthesis of audio files to generate a wide range
of effects from time compression/expansion to richly varied spectral

MacPod (Intel) [2009] reprises the original MacPOD, first released in 1998 (and recipient of a Bourges Festival  award).

Ultra-long time-stretching and freezing;
34 voice real-time granulation of sampled sound creates expansive textures from speech sounds, sound objects or other recordings;
Auto-stretch preserves transients;
Equalizer and resonator section;

System Requirements: Mac OS X (Intel) (Leopard 10.5).

Go here to download :http://www.thirdmonk.com/MacPOD.html

Audacity Update 1.3.8 (Beta)

The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.8 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download). It contains a number of significant improvements, plus some bug  fixes. Highlights include:

 * VST Effects now display in GUI mode by default

 * Updated Nyquist implementation

 * Improvements to Equalization, Noise Removal, Truncate Silence, Click Track and effects chains

 * Improved Plot Spectrum analysis and new preferences for Spectrograms

 * Record more than 16 channels (hardware/drivers permitting)

 * New “Mixer Board” view with per-track VU meters

 * AMR NB export support via the optional FFmpeg library (http://manual.audacityteam.org/index.php?title=FAQ:Installation_and_Plug-Ins#installffmpeg)

 * 32-bit float data over 0 dB handled without clipping

 * Draft Manual/Quick Help included in Windows and Mac installers

 * Faster waveform drawing and better response in multi-track projects

 * Various bug fixes, stability and accessibility improvements

See New in Audacity 1.3.8 (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/features-1.3-a#details) for more on the latest features and fixes.

Note: This release does not support Windows 98 or ME, for which 1.3.7 is still available (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/beta_windows#recdown).