blue 0.110.0

Hi All,

I’d like to announce the latest version of blue is now available at:

The big change for this release is the new Parameter Automation system
allowing users to draw control signals on the main timeline to
automate knobs, sliders, and xy controllers for BSB Instruments and
Mixer Volumes and Effects.  A picture is available here:

and some basic documentation here:

There a number of other changes listed in the ChangeLog below.  Since
there was a lot of internal reworking done and since there was a lot
of code done and redone to support  Parameter Automation, it is highly
recommended to make backups of any existing projects before working
with the new version.

I’d like to especially thank Will Light for helping to test out the
beta releases.  The feedback greatly helped to find bugs and improve
the overall release.  Also, thanks to Michael Bechard and everyone
else who reported bugs and requests!

Otherwise, best wishes, happy holidays, and enjoy!


Notes for 0.110.0<
[released 2006.12.25]

Steven Yi———————————————————————–


   [new] – Parameter Automation – Editable automation of parameters (knobs,
           sliders, xy-controller from BSB and Effects, mixer volume) on
           timeline (see documentation for more information, also
           examples/features/ for an example)

   [new] – BSB/ObjectBuilder

           – PresetManager now able to cut/copy/paste items in PresetsManager
           Dialog, as well as able to add groups in dialog and import/export
           item or folder to file

           – reworked to require all object names to have unique names for
           their replacement values and don’t clash with any other object
           within that BSB or ObjectBuilder

   [new/updated] – Piano Roll

           – added labels for all notes in MIDI mode (Request 1604019 by

           – added new green hilighter in row header for selected notes,
           follows selected notes when moved up and down to easier show what
           note is currently being edited

   [new/updated] – Redid blueLive interface, started work on MIDI SCO Pad to
           record MIDI data as SCO using note templates (not yet finished)

   [updated] – Redid SoundLayer User Interface; no longer uses JTable, instead
           using custom panels

   [updated] – Changed number of different height sizes for layers from 5 to 9

   [updated] – When setting min and max values for lines and BSB Objects that
           have these values, better checking is done and user is alerted if
           new boundary value crosses the other boundary, and option is shown
           to user to either rescale the values to the new min and max, or to
           keep values and truncate any that are outside of the boundaries to
           the boundary value

   [updated] – Render to Disk dialog stays open after finishing

   [updated] – Changed drawing strategy for TimeBar in main timeline and
           PianoRoll editor for speedup

   [fix] – When using “Render to Disk” or “Render to Disk and Play”, now puts
           quotes around output file name

   [fix] – ProgramOptions Setting Dialog was setting values for RealTimeRender
           and DiskRender settings on global ProgramOptions even when window
           was closed or cancelled; now only saves values when OK button is

   [fix] – ProgramOptions Setting Dialog was not using saved window size
           correctly as it was incorrectly being reinstantiated every time it
           was opened

   [fix] – When editing line points using table from popup, setting y value was
           not respecting min and max values

   [fix] – BSB/ObjectBuilder – CheckBox item was not loading correctly from

   [fix] – Made parsing of nchnls more robust by trimming spaces before parsing

   [fix] – nchnls from realtime settings were always being used when rendering
           mixer code even when doing disk renders


   [updated] – Reworked Note parsing and toString() methods; speed increase by
           about 3x (the Note class is a fundamental class and this speedup
           should improve CSD generation time)

   [updated] – Libraries and starter scripts updated

           -commons-lang library to 2.2
           -swing-layout to 1.0.1

   [updated] – LinePoint’s y-values converted to be absolute instead of 0-1.0

   [updated] – BSBWidget values converted to be absolute isntead of 0-1.0

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CornBucket score generator for MacOS X

Hello Csounders,

I am announcing the availablility of a Carbonized version of CornBucket that
now runs natively on both MacOS X and MacOS 8-9 (with CarbonLib).  If you
are not familiar with CornBucket, a description is given below.  You can
download it from here:


Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

CornBucket is a Csound score generator for granular synthesis.  CornBucket
allows you to draw functions of time for several different parameters that
guide the evolution of a granular cloud.  The functions you draw can be one
or more cycles of a simple waveform (sine, triangle, etc.), multiplicative
combinations of several simple waveforms, or can be hand drawn.  Once you
are satisfied with your functions, just hit “Go” and CornBucket calculates
all of the parameters for each grain and writes a Csound score to disk.

CornBucket was written by Tom Erbe of the UCSD Dept. of Music.  He is also
the author of the famous Mac sound manipulation program Soundhack.  Tom was
gracious enough to provide source code with his original distribution of
CornBucket and to allow me to distribute this updated version as well.  He
just asks that it “remains free and open.”

CornBucket 1.02 is a port of CornBucket 1.01 to Apple’s Carbon framework —
basically, it now runs “natively” on MacOS X and continues to run on MacOS 8
and 9 if you have CarbonLib installed.  I have not changed the interface
since the previous version.  I only made the necessary changes to get it
running on OS X and fixed a few minor bugs along the way.

You can direct questions, comments, bug reports, and feature requests to me
if you like.  I cannot promise that I will continue to update CornBucket,
but I will answer your email and maybe you will inspire me to do some more
work on the program.  πŸ™‚

CornBucket 1.01 PPC, 68K, (along with Soundhack) are available from:

CornBucket Carbon should be on that site soon as well.