Csound 5.05 is also available for MacOS 7-9

The new release of Csound 5.05 also includes packages for MacOS “Classic”
(System 7.5 to OS 9.2).  The files for MacOS have been added to the
Sourceforge File Release page in the same section as the other platforms
(the “csound5” package).

Download from here:

The files available for MacOS are:

Csound5.05_OS9.smi.bin        Csound library, CsoundFront front end,
                              MIDI to Csound and Mr. Tweaky utilities,
                              examples, etc. for all users.

Csound5.05_OS9_src.smi.bin    Complete source code for Csound, the front
                              end, all dependencies, and extras.  Only
                              useful to programmers wishing to use the
                              API, develop plugins, write Cscore programs,
                              or to recompile Csound.  (It does contain a
                              couple of goodies for advanced users).

In addition to the general new features and improvements to Csound 5.05, the
MacOS version includes the following changes and bug fixes:

*  CsoundFront is now able to perform multiple non-real-time renders

*  Includes the updated version of the MIDI to Csound utility that I
   released a couple of weeks ago that fixes a minor display problem.

*  Source code package includes a CodeWarrior project and specialized main
   program for using Cscore on MacOS 9.

Please send all questions, comments, and feedback to my email address below
and include “Csound” in the subject line.


Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

New Piece – Phenomena

Hi All,

I’d like to announce a new piece of mine entitled “Phenomena”.  It is
available at:


The piece is available as MP3 and OGG and a zip of the project file is
available on the page with .blue project and CSD.  Also included in
the zip is a Rakefile (Rake is the Ruby version of Make) that I used
to generate the CSD from .blue, the WAV from CSD, and then Flac, OGG,
and MP3 from the WAV all in one go.  The Rakefile is set up to be
pretty easy to modify for those who might be interested in using it
for their own projects.

This piece was premiered last night at the National University of
Ireland, Maynooth.  Much thanks to Victor Lazzarini for inviting me to
submit a piece for the concert held tonight!

Thanks all and enjoy!

blue 0.114.1

Hi All,

Due to a bad bug I’ve put a new bug-fix release of blue at:


The problem was that automation of instrument parameters was broken
for BlueSynthBuilder instruments since 0.113.0 when embedded UDO’s
were introduced.  All users are recommended to upgrade to 0.114.1.

Other changes are listed below.

Thanks to Peiman for alerting me to the bug!

Notes for 0.114.1<
[released 2007.03.06]

Steven Yi———————————————————————–


   [new] – Added “Render to Disk and Play” command in program options under
                   Disk Render Settings.  If enabled, blue will use the given command
                   to play a file after “Render to Disk and Play” is used instead of
                   the built-in SoundFile player.  Command given will have $outfile
                   replaced with path of the rendered file.

   [new] – Added piece “Distant Stars” to examples/pieces/stevenYi folder

   [updated] – Script “Show Info Dialog” now made as a toggle to show and hide
           the info dialog; ctrl-shift-I shortcut added; dialog now allows all
           main frame shortcuts to work when dialog is open

   [updated] – Made ProgramOptions default to “dac” and “adc” so that first
           time blue users will have a sensible default when they first run
           the program

   [updated] – Disabled “Jobs” and “Utils” panels in SoundFileManager as they
           are not currently being used

   [FIX] – BlueSynthBuilders were not correctly generating instrument code for
                   automation; bug introduced in 0.113.0

   [fix] – nudging SoundObjects up or down using arrow keys would lose

   [fix] – SoundObject editor would load editor for every selected object,
           making a group selection slow; now only shows if selecting a single
           object, otherwise hide the editor


   -started filling in information in section “Create Encapsulated Instruments”

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