서울국제컴퓨터음악제 2010

2010년 9월 2일(목)부터 9월 5일(일)까지 예술의전당 자유소극장에서 한국전자음악협회(KEAMS)가 주최하는
서울국제컴퓨터음악제(SICMF) 2010이 개최됩니다. 서울국제컴퓨터음악제는 악기, 컴퓨터음향, 영상, 무용 등의 매체가
어우러지는 전위적인 공연으로 음악과 테크놀러지가 어떻게 조우하고 결합되는지를 보여준다는 점에서 해마다 차별화된 공연을 선사하고
있습니다. 아시아에서 최초로 기획된 컴퓨터음악제인 서울국제컴퓨터음악제는 94년에 시작되어 올해로 17회를 맞이합니다. 그 동안
국내외에서 활발하게 활동하고 있는 작곡가들의 뛰어난 작품들에 의해 국내는 물론 전세계 컴퓨터음악의 주요한 흐름을 파악하고 주도하는
음악제로 성장했으며, 많은 해외의 작곡가들이 연주하고 싶어하는 무대가 되었습니다. 해마다 세계 각국의 작곡가들이 작품을 응모하고
이 중 엄선된 작품들이 연주되는데 올해에도 200여편에 달하는 작품들이 응모되었고 이 중 22 작품이 선정되어 연주됩니다.

또한 올해에는 독일의 대표적인 현대음악 연주단체인 앙상블 아방튀르(Aventure)가 초청됩니다. 앙상블 아방튀르는
1986년 독일의 프라이부르크에서 창단된 15인조 현대음악 전문 연주단체로서 유럽에서 가장 오래되고, 의미있는 연주단체입니다.
프라이부르크의 음악회 시리즈를 비롯하여, 전세계의 많은 작곡가들과의 활발한 교류를 통한 위촉 및 초연을 주도하면서, 전통과
아방가르드의 연결, 철저히 새로운 것들의 지원, 잊혀진 것들의 재발견, 시대와 문화를 통합하는 프로그램 등을 수행해 나가고

이번 공연에는 플루트의 Martina Roth, 클라리넷의 Walter Ifrim, 베이스트롬본/튜바의 Thomas Wagner가
초청되어 Luigi Nono, Richard Dudas, 임영미, Roland Breitenfeld, 이돈응의 작품이

SICMF 2010 :: 프로그램

9월 2일 (목)
Concert 1

pm 7:30

David Berezan : Nijo

윤제호 : “Memory” for Violin, Violoncello and live electronics

이병무 : “Elastomer ver.3” for Tape

김은진 : “그리움의 침묵” for Daegeum, Gayageum, Ajaeng and Tape

Manuella Blackburn : Karita oto (Borrowed Sound) Part 1

Chikashi Miyama : Piano Chimera

김미정 : “Spirit’s Sound” for Haegeum and live-electronics

9월 3일 (금)
Seminar 1

pm 3:00

한국예술종합학교 음악원 (서초동) 402호 전자음악실
Cort Lippe

실시간 상호작용 : 연주자와 기계간의 음악적 표현성

Concert 2

pm 7:30

Clemens von Reusner : BRNK

John Croft : “…ne l’aura che trema”

강중훈 : Chime II

Jason Bolte : Noises Everywhere

Francis Dhomont : Sisyphe

이은화 : “Rattling sound” for computer generated music

Juan José Eslava : “Under Construction” for classic guitar and electronics

9월 4일 (토)
Seminar 2

pm 3:00

한국예술종합학교 음악원 (서초동) 402호 전자음악실
Juan José Eslava

“Under Construction”과 “Senderos de la risa”의 작곡과정에서 나타나는 제스쳐의 연루성

Concert 3

pm 7:30

Jonas Foerster : Echoes of Urban Life

Konstantinos Karanthanasis : Dionysus

조진옥 : CoCo-III

Marie-Hélène Bernard : Les ailes du phénix

여계숙 : Time Sculptures III

Adam Basanta : a glass is not a glass(mov I to VI)

Cort Lippe : Music for Snare Drum and Computer

9월 5일 (일)
Concert 4

pm 7:30


앙상블 아방튀르(Aventure) 초청 특별 연주회

Luigi Nono : “Post-Prae-Ludium >Donau<” for tuba & live-electronics

Richard Dudas : “Prelude and Fantasy” for alto flute & computer

임영미 : “Whisper” for clarinet / bass-clarinet & electronics

Roland Breitenfeld : “Moments of Darkness” for bass-trombone & electronics

이돈응 : “Amusement” for flute, clarinet & live-electronics

Luigi Nono : “Ommagio a Kurtag” for alto, flute, clarinet, tuba & live-electronics

* 이 프로그램은 순서나 일정이 바뀔 수 있습니다.

original post/information :http://www.computermusic.or.kr/main_kr/

September sound symposium in Vienna: Does Sound Have Meaning?

Does Sound Have Meaning?

Sound Researchers & Practitioners Convene to Discuss ‘symbolic sounds’ at KISS 2010

Vienna, 24-26 September 2010: Can music and sound-effects be symbolic? Sound designers, composers, sound artists, film makers, researchers and others sharing an intense interest in sound will be convening in Vienna Austria from the 24th through 26th of September to discuss this and other, similarly controversial, issues at the annual Kyma International Sound Symposium (KISS2010): http://www.tonsalon.at.

Lively discussions, electronic/computer music performances, interactive installations, demos, workshops, and paper sessions will be held in the newly renovated Casino Baumgarten, a spectacular ballroom built in 1890 (http://www.tonsalon.at/KISS2010/index.php/location), and the Rhiz Bar Modern, a showcase for experimental media in Vienna (http://rhiz.org/).

http://www.symbolicsound.com/zzz/pub/Company/UpcomingKymaEvents/CasinoBaumgartenViewfromStage.jpg ]

Join in the free on-line discussion

Anyone having an intense interest in sound is invited to join in the free on-line discussion at http://pphilosophyofsound.ning.com, a new forum created by symposium co-organizer, Peter Rantasa. Sign in and introduce yourself by sharing your earliest sonic memory. Discussions on sound, symbol, and meaning have already begun and will continue during and after the symposium. You can participate on line whether or not you are able to attend the symposium in Vienna.

To register for KISS2010:

The registration deadline for participating in KISS2010 is 13 September 2010. The participation fee of ¤ 90 (¤ 40 for students) includes the 3-day symposium, morning/afternoon refreshments, and 2 evening concerts. To register, please visit: http://www.tonsalon.at/KISS2010/index.php/registration/essentialreading before 13 September 2010.


The Kyma International Sound Symposium (KISS) is an annual conclave of current and potential Kyma practitioners who come together to learn, to share, to meet, to discuss, and to enjoy a lively exchange of ideas, sounds, and music! Kyma is a sound design environment created by Symbolic Sound Corporation (http://www.symbolicsound.com). This year, the KISS symposium is being organized by Wiener Klangwerkstatt in cooperation with Symbolic Sound and with the support of Analog Audio Association Austria, Preiser Records, and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research.

Conference Contact Information:

Barbara Kopf
KISS 2010 Conference office
Email: office.KISS2010@tonsalon.at
Telephone: +43 (0)650 212 1646
Web: http://www.tonsalon.at/KISS2010


Listening for the Future: ASAE Symposium July 9–11

The American Society for Acoustic Ecology announces:

"Listening for the Future" first-ever national symposium addressing global soundscape

July 9th, 10th & 11th, 2010

Chicago, Illinois June 24, 2010 —Listening for the Future will take place from July 9-11, 2010 to actively engage with the most neglected aspect of our environment: the soundscape. Hosted by the newly-founded Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology and World Listening Project, this will be the first conference held by the American Society for Acoustic Ecology in Chicago, home to a thriving sonic arts community and center world for world-class architecture, on the shore of largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth. An inspiring three days of discussion, workshops, concerts, and soundwalks are planned in an emerging field of study and activism that unites a broad range of social, scientific, and artistic concerns.

Event Highlights

Friday, July 9 – ‘Citizen Sound’ symposium (5-7PM) opens with a wine and cheese reception, introductions to each of the ASAE chapters, and presentations by leaders in Chicago’s cultural and advocacy scene at Columbia College, 33 E. Congress Parkway, basement lobby and room # LL11. Featured guests include Lou Mallozzi, Executive Director of Experimental Sound Studio and architect Graham Balkany of the Gropius in Chicago Coalition. A media lounge, where guests can sample CDs and peruse publications by participants, performers and ASAE members, will be open all night. Attendees will how they may participate in the first World Listening Day (July 18, 2010). Following dinner at a local eatery, we’ll be treated to a concert (8:30-10:30PM – $10) featuring ASAE member composers, performers and special guests.
Saturday, July 10 – Head "out of town" for an afternoon soundwalk (2-4PM) in Miller Woods, at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. After the dunes soundwalk, it’s back to the city for another group dinner (6:30-8:15) followed by a Chicago nightlife soundwalk (8:30-10PM). This day’s events should provide plenty of opportunities for informal conversation and networking among members.
Sunday, July 11 – ASAE members lead a workshop for children (2-3PM) and families near Gallery 400. ASAE members from New York, San Francisco, the Midwest, Southwest and beyond will present a concert in the gallery, 3:30-5:30PM at 400 S. Peoria Street (MC 034). This event will also be streamed live. The evening concludes with a live radio performance on Philip von Zweck’s “Something Else” show at 10 PM-12AM on WLUW 88.7FM.
— MORE —

The ASAE – Listening for the Future

During the course of the symposium, the ASAE’s governing body and leaders from all the regional chapters will be meeting to brainstorm for the future of the organization.

Registration & Travel

Registration for Listening to the Future is $50 ($35 for students and artists) and includes membership in the ASAE. All events, including both concerts, the ‘Citizen Sound’ symposium, the soundwalks and the workshop are free for ASAE members (current for 2010). Benefits of ASAE membership are provided on the ASAE website.

A registration page will be posted shortly, along with locations of all venues, maps, schedules etc.

All meals are pay-your-own, but we’ll be making advance reservations so will ask you to register. Transportation between venues, including the Dunes soundwalk, will be via public transit. These costs are not covered by the ASAE, but we will plan to meet and travel as a group to the Dunes soundwalk.

Hotels and travel resources, and any other additional information will be listed on the MSAE’s Listening for the Future web page: http://mwsae.org. Please bookmark and check back often, as we’ll be making frequent updates.


The Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE), founded in 2009, is a chapter of the American Society for Acoustic Ecology (ASAE), the U.S. affiliate of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), an international association of affiliated organizations and individuals, who share a common concern with the state of the world’s soundscapes. Our members represent a multi-disciplinary spectrum of individuals engaged in the study of the social, cultural and ecological aspects of the sonic environment. Learn more about the WFAE on its website: http://wfae.net

Listening for the Future Organizing Committee:

Eric Leonardson, Chair
Michelle Nagai
Andrea Polli

Assisted by:
Jamie Davis
Jesse Seay

Listening for the Future is organized by the American Society for Acoustic Ecology, and hosted by the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology and the World Listening Project. Sponsors include Vocalo.org (89.5 FM), The National Park Service and Columbia College.

Eric Leonardson, founder
Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE)
Email: info@mwsae.org
Web: http://mwsae.org
WLP web: http://www.worldlisteningproject.org
Skype: worldlistening
Mobile: 773-218-5796