Sound Travels Festival of Sound Art
Produced by New Adventures in Sound Art
June 5 – October 1, 2008
10th Anniversary
Toronto Island
Cost range: free to $10 depending on event
Festival pass $35 (includes 5 concerts)
+ your own Soundportrait by Jørgen Teller
e-mail for more info
It’s our 10th anniversary!! Sound Travels brings sound art to the outdoors on Toronto Island in a way that entices the curious and provides a unique experience each and every year. This 10th anniversary edition includes installations and performances throughout the summer as well as the 2nd annual Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium, workshops, SOUNDwalks and youth residencies.
by Barry Prophet
between the pier and the boardwalk on Centre Island
runs 24/7 June 22 – Oct 1, FREE
Participants on Synthecycletron generate power by pedaling which in turn activates synthesizers and generate sounds as they move while sitting on the sculpture. There are several performances scheduled to happen using the sound sculptures as instruments.
by Kristi Allik and Robert Mulder
on the west end of the boardwalk on Centre Island
opens June 27, 2008 @ 7pm / runs 24/7 June 27-Oct 1, FREE
Sonic Boardwalk, by Robert Mulder and Kristi Allik, is a sound installation located on the Ward Island boardwalk that generates a microsonic landscape that is activated by the kinetic imprint of passing visitors. For a review of the 2006 presentation of Sonic Boardwalk go to NOW Review
by Sarah Peebles, Rob King, Anne Barros and Robert Cruickshank
at *new* gallery, 906 Queen W., Toronto (corner of Crawford and Queen W.)
July 4-27, 2008
Opening Reception Saturday July 12th @ *new* 4-6pm, FREE
Followed by “The forgotten Pollinators” talk by Dr. Stephen L Buchmann
at InterAccess 9 Ossington Avenue, 7pm.
Resonating Bodies is a series of mixed media installations and community outreach projects which focuses on biodiversity of pollinators indigenous to the natural and urban ecosystems of the Greater Toronto Area. Bumble Domicile (part 1) highlights distinct features of bumble bees through an observation hive, adjacent garden, visual and audio transformations, scent, touch, and biological information. Resonating Bodies, Bumble Room is a co-presentation between InterAccess Media Arts Centre and New Adventures in Sound Art. Go to for full details.
by Jennifer Schmidt, Colin Asquith and Terry Nauheim
+ SOUND TRAVELS DOCUMENTS 10th anniversary edition
photo exhibit by Stefan and Laura Rose
curated by Darren Copeland
St. Andrew-by-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island
July 27, 2008 to August 30, 2008 (Sundays only except the 30th), 2-6pm
Admission PWYC except during performance days (July 27, Aug 10 & 30) which is $10
A site for interactivity and reception, Wish You Were Here is a collective soundscape of audio greeting cards intended to be experienced within the hands of participants through physical and aural sampling. The sounds are of field recordings, fragmented and manipulated to reinterpret the conventional notion of a sentiment and sense of place in the model of a greeting card. Re-contextualizing recorded material within this format places limits— including time, compression, and availability—while initiating an accessible, portable, and participatory narrative. Sound Travels Documents is an audio-visual exhibition documenting 10 years of previous Sound Travels events on Toronto Island. Translating the original auditory experience into the visual, using visual textures and point-of-view, the images are a record of soundwalks, participants, artists, and sound/new media installations accompanied by the sounds of the performances themselves. The Sonic Portrait Listening Gallery offers the chance to Travel the world soundscape through the imaginations of sound artists from around the world collected from an international call for submissions in September 2007.
FESTIVAL PASS $35 (5 concerts + your own Soundportrait by Jørgen Teller)
e-mail for more info
UNION by Rob Piilonen/Matt Miller
St. Andrew-by-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island
June 27, 2008 2pm $10 or free with festival pass
Union is a portrait of the TTC subway system. Using recordings of the actual system presented in different permutations, the system is heard moving, fluctuating, and going about a typical day with Union Station treated as the center. Meanwhile, the flute represents a real time journey on the subway from Donlands station to Union. Effects and live processing weave the improvised flute into the sonic texture of the subway system, and the live and recorded components interact, ultimately coming together at the titular station.
by Jørgen Teller
various places on Toronto Island & at St. Andrew-by-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island
August 6 to 10, 2008 / $10 or free with festival pass
Take home a Soundportrait of yourself! Visitors are invited to have a sound portrait of themselves produced by Danish sound artist Jørgen Teller. After making sounds and responding to questions from the artist, visitors will have their sound portrait done by Jørgen Teller that they can take home with them on CD. Please pre-book your appointments at or 416 516 7413. Selections of these Soundportraits will be featured on the August 9th performance at Sound Travels.
Outdoor Guerilla Sound Art Performances by Ellen Waterman & Wanderology
Outdoors on Toronto Island
August 8, 2008, 7pm and August 9, 2008 1pm & 7pm FREE
Improvisation is a profoundly everyday activity. We are all constantly interacting with our environment, playing off of tiny shifts in perception to make choices that affect the play of movement and sound around us. Most of this dynamic activity goes unnoticed. Four improvisers (using flute, percussion, and voice) will play a series of solos, duos, and trios on Toronto Island. Each performance is a sensitive articulation of the micro-ecology of that specific moment in time/space. Building on the sensitivity to environment and sound fostered by such composer/philosophers as Pauline Oliveros and R. Murray Schafer, our musical interventions seek to cause a tiny disturbance – a startled recognition – an acute sense of aliveness.
hosted by David Ogborn
St. Andrew-by-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island
August 8, 2008 8pm $10 or free with festival pass
This concert is a portrait of Robert Normandeau through his works. One of Canada’s most internationally celebrated electroacoustic composers, Normandeau’s compositions employ esthetical criteria whereby he creates a ‘cinema for the ear’ in which ‘meaning’ as well as ‘sound’ become the elements that elaborate his works. Highlights of his musical evolution will be presented on a sixteen channel spatialization system and brought to life through an in-concert interview with Normandeau by David Ogborn.
A MULTITUDE OF PORTRAITS – Sound Travels Concert
Works by Ellen Waterman/James Harley, David Ogborn, Hervé Birolini, Jørgen Teller and more
St. Andrew-by-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island
August 9, 2008 8pm $10 or free with festival pass
A group show in a sonic portrait gallery. Subjects range from portraits of people, places and the earth 3 billion years ago. Work by local and international artists: Ellen Waterman, James Harley, David Ogborn, Dominique Ferraton, Rapaël Néron, Jørgen Teller, Herve Birolini, Jason Stanford and Emilie LeBel.
by Wende Bartley
St. Andrew-by-the-Lake Church, Toronto Island
August 10, 2008 2pm $10 or free with festival pass
Ariadne Calling for choir and electroacoustics is based on vocal improvisations made while walking the land at the Avebury complex in southwestern England. As the sounds unfold while walking the labyrinth, the memories of the land are awakened, the earth is regenerated, the Cretan “Lady of the Labrys” is invoked.
August 7 – 9, 2008
The Canadian Electroacoustic Community, the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto and New Adventures in Sound Art are pleased to announce the second annual Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium. The symposium will take place at the Faculty of Music, and St. Andrew by-the-Lake church and will lead directly into the main performance weekend of the annual Sound Travels festival on Toronto Island. Alongside a selection of refereed papers and presentations, the symposium will feature keynote lectures by Sound Travels’ composers-in-residence Robert Normandeau and Ellen Waterman. A late-night event hosted by the group will provide a space for live electronic and improvised expressions in an “open-mic” format on the 8th. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in a forthcoming issue of the CEC’s online journal, eContact!.
co-presented with the Canadian Association for Sound Ecology
June 27th@ 6:30pm, July 27th @ 1pm, August 8 @ 7pm, Aug 9 @ 7pm, Aug 10 @ 1pm, Aug 30 @ 1pm
Meet us at the clock tower on Centre Island near the ferry dock island-side
In a soundwalk, the listening “audience” moves through a place and the environment “performs.” The walking listener and the environment create a unique piece together that can only occur during the time of the walk. In a soundwalk we take the time to hear the environment: we are its true ear witnesses. And like any musician, the environment offers us its sounds for our consideration. Participants should be sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing for any weather condition.
A series of workshops will allow emerging artists to work with esteemed composer Robert Normandeau. The theme of this project will be spatialization and the work created will be premiered as part of Sound Travels 2008 during the August 9th concert. This is the fourth year that Sound Travels has included opportunities for emerging artists to work with senior artists and educators from outside of Toronto who provide artistic guidance and inspire new growth in the sound art field in Toronto.
Making Art with Sound
NAISA is inviting youth aged 15-18 to traverse the territory of traditional art mediums and contribute to the growing body of exciting media art being produced by youth internationally through 2 summer residencies! The youth will create art entirely with Sound, Radio, Electronics, and/or Performance through exploration according to their own individual interest. The youth can choose to to build a NAISAtron, a micro-transmitter, or work with basic recording and editing software. All equipment will be provided by New Adventures in Sound Art and no experience is necessary. Registration fee of $10.00 is required but no other fee will be charged. Register early at in order to guarantee your spot.
Residency 1 – Toronto Island, August 11-15, 10am-1pm
Residency 2 – NAISA Space, 103 Beaconsfield Ave., August 18-22, 10am-1pm
Live Electronic Music with MaxMSP and PD
A workshop by David Ogborn August 2 & 3 (inclusive) 10-5pm @ the NAISA space
Registration fee $50 email to register in advance at
An intense 2-day workshop on the creation, troubleshooting and performance of software patches for live electronic music. Major topics to be covered include audio & MIDI interfacing, time domain audio transformations, spectral audio transformations, and the art of producing portable patches that last. While a background as a musician is strongly recommended, no prior experience with electronic music techniques is required. The practical emphasis will be on the use of MaxMSP, but all of the concepts discussed will be demonstrated in parallel in the free, open-source environment PD.
Sound Travels Festival of Sound Art is partially funded by the government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council and the SOCAN foundation.
New Adventures in Sound Art is a non-profit organization that produces performances and installations spanning the entire spectrum of electroacoustic and experimental sound art. Included in its Toronto productions are: Deep Wireless, Sound Travels & SOUNDplay.
Media inquiries & general information (including ticket info):
Nadene Thériault-Copeland Kate Miller
Managing Director Admin & Publicity assistant
416 516 7413 416 516 7413
Festival information
Nadene Thériault-Copeland
Managing Director
New Adventures in Sound Art