Kafka’s Metamorphosis, created with Csound and Blue -Chuckk

“Metamorphosis” (gregor.mp3)

I did this for a dance/music/animation collaboration inspired by
Kafka.  The voices are all German text from Die Verwandlung, spoken by
me and my wife.  I used fog, pvshift, and pvscale, among other things.
The instruments and percussion are all made from the same soundfiles
turned about in various ways.  The chorus/noise things are fog with a
set of vowel formant tables, but since I was using a huge soundfile
instead of a sine wave, the frequencies were a little unpredictable.
I am a very sloppy programmer, and I’m actually embarrassed to show my
file, since it’s full of workarounds and bad coding.  It also relies
on 3 wav files.
I could use some feedback on the sound quality; I tried compressing,
filtering, and stuff like that, but I’m learning.  I ended up doing
some limiting and compression in Audacity at the end.  If you want to
compare I can post the pure Csound version.

There are about 6 girls dancing, writhing around like they’re all part
of a giant bug, then they twitch a bit and explode, before rejoining
to writhe around more.  At the end explosion their limbs are in the
air twitching, and when it splatters they all go limp.  I love working
with dancers.



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