new version of sfmarkers~ – WAVE loops recognized


after a suggestion by Torsten Belschner (see his recent post), I added
to sfmarkers~ the ability to return the loops defined in a WAVE file.
You can download this object at
MacOS only.

Conceptually, I’m not totally convinced by the way I implemented this:
loops are considered as regular markers (with predefined names ‘beg
loop’ and ‘end loop’). But this is the way loops are saved in AIFF
files by some softwares.
Beside loops positions it could also be possible to get other ‘sampler’
informations like loop type (forward, backward, …), pitch, tune, etc.
(I just need to add a couple of C lines in my code πŸ™‚ but I don’t know
if this should be sfmarkers~’ job.
If there is some interest, I could add an outlet to send these
‘sampler’ informations, like loops. But as in AIFF files, loops are
more often saved as markers than as loops per se, I’m not sure it’s the
best option…
Because AIFF and WAVE are not consistent, I can’t find any consistent
solution. Suggestions are most welcome!

Patrick Delges

Centre de Recherches et de Formation Musicales de Wallonie asbl

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